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I Teaching aims: 1. to learn the new words and expressions; 2. to improve reading skills 3. to analyze the structure of the text II.Teaching focus: 1.key words:
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Section A How to Culticate \EQ\ Section B EQ Plays a Role in Personal Success Section C The Major Qualities Making Up Emotional In-telligence
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Section A Bribery and Bussiness Ethics Section B The Biggest Threat to the Role of Police Officers Section C The Cunning Smuggler
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Section A Research into Population Genetics Section B Geniuser and Butter Parentiong Section C Genetics and Environmental Factors in Creationg Genius
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Section A Choose to Be Alone On Purpose Section B Roommate Conflicts Section C An Indian Arranged Marriage
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Section A Longing for a New Welfare System Section B A Blind Man Helped Me See The Beautiful World Section C A hard Job to Come By
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Section A Charlie Chaplin Section B The politicalo Career of a Female Politician Section C A family of Firste
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Section A The Temptation of a Respectavle Woman Section B The Obligations and Responsibilitise to marriage Section C The Positive Meanings of Love
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I. Word Study II. Phrases and Expressions III.Word Building IV. Grammar
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复旦大学:《学术英语(医学)》课程PPT课件_Unit 4 Alternative Medicine
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