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Where is stress,ε strain and the Young's modulus or elastic modulus
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Strain Displacement Strain Strain field Strain determination in rocks
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(A)General triaxial stress ellipsoid in perspective view. (B)Views normal to each of the principal planes of the ellipsoid. (After W.D. Means,1976)
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hinge lines axis A axial plane axial surface B (imaginary) Axis axial plane and axial surface
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INTRODUCTION TO STEREOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS Basic principles Basic procedures Exercise in class
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hangingwall ramp A- Ramps and flats hangingwall B-Hangingwall ramp and footwall footwall ramp footwall ramp B C-? thrust sequence New thrusts develop in the footwall
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江西应用技术职业学院:《普通地质》课程教学资源(电子教案)第十三章 构造运动与地质构造
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§4~1 岩层产状与地层接触关系 §4~2 褶皱 §4~3 节理 §4~4 断层 §4~5 活断层
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§4~1 岩层产状与地层接触关系 §4~2 褶皱 §4~3 节理 §4~4 断层 §4~5 活断层
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1、断裂构造的力学机制 压性破秘 张性破裂 出性破裂 破裂面与应勹场
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