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《组织学与胚胎学》课程教学资源(书籍文献)第二章 上皮组织
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《组织学与胚胎学》课程教学资源(书籍文献)第三章 结缔组织
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Reproductive System a Sex, Gender, Reproduction Germ Cells: sperm and ovum Haploid) Sex hormones. Male---Androgens(Testosterone) Female---Estrogen, Progestogen Developmental stages: infant, child, puberty, adult, menopause and old
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General outline Lymphatic organs: thymus, lymph node spleen, tonsil
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9.1 免疫体系发育及免疫球蛋白基因表达 9.2 果蝇的胚胎发育 9.3 高等植物花发育的基因调控
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一、血细胞的生成部位 卵黄囊→肝、脾→骨髓→不规则骨胚胎早期第2个月第个4月18岁以后
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授業内容 1.腎臓(掌握) **ネフ口 nephron0組成上構造? **濾過膜? 2.尿路(自学)
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1. Development of embryology 2. Germ cell and fertilization 3. Blastocyst and implantation 4. Formation of the germ layer 5. Differentiation of trilaminar germ and formation of embryo 6. Fetal membrane and placenta 7. Twins and multiple birth
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