Behavior Modeling Only the functionality of the circuit, no structure No specific hardware intent For the purpose of synthesis, as well as simulation IN1,…,INn IF in1 THEN OUT1,…,OUTn FOR j IN high DOWNTO low LOOP
The widespread use of advanced control and process automation for biochemical applications has been lagging as compared with industries such as refining and petrochemicals whose feedstocks are relatively easy to characterize and whose chemistry is well understood and whose measurements are relatively
Define定义 Vertigo is defined as a hallucination幻觉of movement. This may be a sensation of turning, spinning, falling rocking, etc Dizziness, although commonly used by the patient as a term to describe the above sensations refers to less severe and
“Evaporation is the removal of solvent as a vapor from a solution or slurry. The vapor may or may not be recovered, depending on its value. The end product may be a solid, but the transfer of heat in the evaporator must be to a solution or a suspension of the solid in liquid if the apparatus is not to be classed as a dryer. Evaporators are similar to stills or re-boilers of distillation
must also consider heating andor cooling requirements as well as to deliver the desired head pressure to overcome hydraulic pressure drop. Operating costs must also consider equipment maintenance, cost of cleaning chemicals and labor costs
All the ingredients included here are derived from milk or eggs. In their principal value is there are also tenderising properties associated with the fats and emulsifying compounds which they contain. Milk, butter, cheese and eggs have been traditional ingredients for baking due to their exceptional nutritional values as well as their flavour. The techmology of milk production has now developed to such an extent that there are a large
Muscles Active while Lengthening Consider the example of ordinary exercise, lets say one of the running events in the Olympics. Muscle functions to stop the motion of the athlete as often as it does to start it. When a load larger than isometric tetanus tension To is applied to a muscle in a tetanic state of activation, the muscle lengthens at a constant
The Fundamental problem The Fundamental problem Bones get less dense as we age Bones get less dense as we age Old people with low density bones Old people with low density bones fracture easily fracture easily Space -flight rapidly causes bones to flight rapidly causes bones to get less dense get less dense
Electrons are the “glue” that holds the nuclei together in the chemical bonds of molecules and ions. Of course, it is the nuclei’s positive charges that bind the electrons to the nuclei. The competitions among Coulomb repulsions and attractions as well as the existence of non-zero electronic and nuclear kinetic energies make the treatment of the full electronic-nuclear Schrödinger equation an extremely difficult problem. Electronic