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Section 12.1 Introduction and Assumptions 引言和假定 a plate is a body bounded by two closely spaced parallel planes and one or more prismatical surfaces normal to the planes
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§20-6 The infinite Potential Well 一维无限深的势阱 Introduction 引言 §20-1 Atomic Spectra 原子光谱的规律性 §20-2 Bohr Model of Hydrogen Atom 玻尔的氢原子理论 §20-3 De Broglie’s Postulate and Matter Waves 德布罗意波 粒波二象性 §20-4 The Uncertainty Principle 不确定度关系 §20-5 The Wave Function and Schrodinger Equation 波函数 薛定谔方程
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Introduction引言 18-1 The Relativity Postulate of Mechanics伽 利略相对性原理经典力学的时空观 18-2 The Postulates of Special Relativity The Lorentz Transformation狭义相对论的基本原理洛仑兹坐标变换式 18-3 Some Consequences of the Lorentz Transformation狭义相对论的时空观 18-4 The Lorentz Transformation of Velocities相对论速度变换式 18-5 The Relativistic Dynamic theory相对论 动力学基础
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◼ 学什么? ◼ 为什么学? ◼ 如何学?
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Introduction The nervous tissue of animals responds to stimuli within and outside of the body. Incoming information is integrated and a response is made. The response is muscle contraction or secretion by a gland. The end hydra result is the maintenance of body functions or homeostasis
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Introduction (chapter objectives) Bit error rate for binary systems (unipolar, polar, bipolar, ooK, BPsK, FsK, and MSK Output signal-to-noise ratio for analog systemS(AM, SSB, PM, and Fm)
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5. Introduction (Chapter objectives) Amplitude modulation and single sideband Frequency and phase modulation Digitally modulated signals(OoK, BPSK, FSK, MSK MPSK, QAM, QPSK, a/4QPSK, and OFDM) Spread sprectrum and CDMa system
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Introduction Basic signal properties(dc, rms, dBm. and power) Fourier transform and spectra Linear systems and linear distortion Bandlimited signal and sampling Discrete Fourier transform · Bandwidth of signal
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Introduction Frequency-selective fading is a dominant impairment in mobile communications Fading reduces receive signal-to-noise ratio and degrades the bit-error-rate(BER) Frequency selectivity of the channel, i. e, delay spread, induces inter-symbol interference(ISI) To combat frequency-selective fading
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Introduction Bronchial asthma is a chronic inflammatory condition involving a variety of cells including eosinophils, mast cells, T lymphocytes, neutrophils, and epithelial cells of the airway, as well as cellular elements, which gives rise to the increase of airway hyper-reactivity. Extensive changeable and reversible ventilatior restriction is common and can cause recurrent tachypnea, feeling of out of breath, and coughing. The symptoms are more
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