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《微生物生物学》课程教学资源(书籍文献)Microbiology Laboratory Guidebook
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《微生物生物学》课程教学资源(书籍文献)Microbial Cell Factories
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《微生物生物学》课程书籍文献:《Molecular Identification of Fungi》真菌的分子鉴定PDF电子书(Youssuf Gherbawy l Kerstin Voigt Editors)
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《微生物生物学》课程书籍文献:《Principles of Molecular Virology》PDF电子书(Molecular Virology 4th Edition,Alan J. Cann)
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Microorganisms are the most diversified and interesting to study. Microbiology is one of the most active and promising field in life sciences. I will try to integrate the most classical and basic ideas theories and concepts with the most recent advances in microbiology, which are so exciting and full of fun to know about
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一、连锁遗传的细胞学基础 二、特殊交换 三、影响交换的因素 四、交换的机制 五、基因定位和染色体遗传图
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Chapter outline 1.1 What is a microbe? 1.2 The importance of Microbiology 1.3 Microbes in our lives 1.4 The history of microbiology 1.5 Important events in the development of microbiology
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目录 一、前言 二、使用说明 三、词汇正文
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