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第一节 金融资产的定义和分类 第二节 以公允价值计量且其变动计入当期损益的金融资产 第三节 持有至到期投资 第四节 贷款和应收款项 第五节 可供出售金融资产 第六节 金融资产减值和转移
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(一)无形资产的定义和确认条件。 (二)无形资产的初始计量。 (三)内部研究开发费用的核算。 (四)无形资产的后续计量
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一、单项选择题 1-5 DCAAA 6-10 CACAA 11-13CAB 二、多项选择题 1、AC 2、BC 3、BD 4、ABC 5、ABD 6、AC 7、BD 8、ABCD 9、ABC 10、BC
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一、单项选择题 1-5 CCBBB 6-10 CBDCB 11-15CCCAD 二、多项选择题 1、ACD 2、ABCD 3、CD 4、AC 5、CD 6、ABC 7、BC 8、ABD 9、BCD 10、BCD 11、ABD
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1.Describe property,plant,and equipment. 2.Identify the costs to include in initial valuation of property, plant,and equipment. 3.Describe the accounting problems associated with self- constructed assets. 4.Describe the accounting problems associated with interest capitalization. 5.Understand accounting issues related to acquiring and valuing plant assets. 6.Describe the accounting treatment for costs subsequent to acquisition. 7.Describe the accounting treatment for the disposal of property, plant,and equipment
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1.Identify accounting topics where the time value of money is relevant. 2.Distinguish between simple and compound interest. 3.Use appropriate compound interest tables. 4.Identify variables fundamental to solving interest problems. 5.Solve future and present value of 1 problems. 6.Solve future value of ordinary and annuity due problems. 7.Solve present value of ordinary and annuity due problems. 8.Solve present value problems related to deferred annuities and bonds. 9.Apply expected cash flows to present value measurement
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1.Understand the uses and limitations of an income statement. 2.Prepare a single-step income statement. 3.Prepare a multiple-step income statement. 4.Explain how to report irregular items. 5.Explain intraperiod tax allocation. 6.Identify where to report earnings per share information. 7.Prepare a retained earnings statement. 8.Explain how to report other comprehensive income
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1.Understand basic accounting terminology. 2.Explain double-entry rules. 3.Identify steps in the accounting cycle. 4.Record transactions in journals,post to ledger accounts, and prepare a trial balance. 5.Explain the reasons for preparing adjusting entries. 6.Prepare financial statement from the adjusted trial balance. 7.Prepare closing entries. 8.Explain how to adjust inventory accounts at year-end
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1.Describe the usefulness of a conceptual framework. 2.Describe the FASB's efforts to construct a conceptual framework. 3.Understand the objectives of financial reporting. 4.Identify the qualitative characteristics of accounting information. 5.Define the basic elements of financial statements. 6.Describe the basic assumptions of accounting. 7.Explain the application of the basic principles of accounting. 8.Describe the impact that constraints have on reporting accounting information
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一、单项选择题 1.如果发现现金长款,应贷记( )。 A.\其他应收款\科目 B.\待处理财产损溢--待处理流动资产损溢\科目 C.\现金\科目 D.\应收账款\科目
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