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Diseases of the Blood in Children Anemias Nutritional anemias (Iron deficiency iron) Hereditary spherocytosis Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) deficiency Thalassemia Bleeding disorders(Hemorrhagic diseases) ITP Hemophilia
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Hematologic Disorders of Children 一、小儿血液系统疾病 Diseases of erythrocytic system: 二、红细胞系统疾病: Hematopoietic substances deficiency; 三、造血原料缺乏; Nutritional iron deficiency anemia 四、营养性缺铁性贫血 nutritional megaloblastic anemia
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1. Causes Hypoxia Perinatal asphyxia, apnea, respiratory failure, right to left shunt Ischemia Heart arrest, Heart failure, Shock
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Vitamin D roles Facilitate intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphorus Promote renal reabsorption of phosphorus Direct effect on bone deposition and reabsorption of calcium and phosphorus Maintain calcium and phosphorus homeostasis
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Definition PEM is a kind of malnutrition caused by inadequate dietary intake or some diseases, occurs commonly in children under 3 years of age. Kwashiorkor Marasmus
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Overview Definition of Accidental Trauma: Accident, Unexpected, Injuries Physically and/or Psychologically Causes: physical, chemical, and biological factors Main cause of mutilation and death in children globally
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概念 意外伤害(Unintentional Injury):突然发生的事件对人体 所造成的肉体和精神上的伤害,原因包括物理、化 学和生物等各种因素,是儿童致伤、致残、致死的 主要原因之一 1985年美国国家儿童卫生与人类发展研究所(NICHD) 学术会议对意外伤害的定义和分类进行标准化 国际疾病分类(ICD-10)将其列为单独一类疾病
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Definition Bacteremia: Bacteria invade into blood temporarily with flora <100 CFU/ml in blood XSepticemia or Sepsis: Pathogens (bacteria or fungi) invade into blood, proliferate greatly, and release endotoxin XToxemia:
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概貌 Outline 是一种小血管炎 A kind of vasculitis of small vessels 以皮肤紫癜、关节痛、积液、腹痛、便血、血 尿和蛋白尿为主要临床特征 Characterized clinically by purpura, arthralgia ,articular effusion, abdominal pain, hemafecia
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一、小儿最常见先心病,占先心病20~25% 二、定义:室间隔的发育不良或发育障碍 三、室间隔缺损分类:
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