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DNA多态现象和分析技术应用研究,给法科学带来的革命性变 化研究结果显示在鉴定生物证据方面显示出巨大生命力
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一、核酸的分解代谢 二、核苷酸的生物合成 三、DNA的生物合成 四、DNA的修复 五、RNA的生物合成 六、基因工程简介
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一、DNA指导下RNA的合成 二、RNA的转录后加工 三、在RNA指导下RNA和DNA的合成
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16.1 Introduction 16.2 The retrovirus life cycle involves transposition-like events 16.3 Retroviral genes codes for polyproteins 16.4 Viral DNA is generated by reverse transcription 16.5 Viral DNA integrates into the chromosome 16.6 Retroviruses may transduce cellular sequences 16.7 Yeast Ty elements resemble retroviruses 16.8 Many transposable elements reside in D. melanogaster 16.9 Retroposons fall into two classes 16.10 The Alu family has many widely dispersed members
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21.1 Introduction 21.2 Response elements identify genes under common regulation 21.3 There are many types of DNA-binding domains 21.4 A zinc finger motif is a DNA-binding domain 21.5 Steroid receptors are transcription factors 21.6 Steroid receptors have zinc fingers 21.7 Binding to the response element is activated by ligand-binding 21.8 Steroid receptors recognize response elements by a combinatorial code
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19.1 Introduction 19.2 The nucleosome is the subunit of all chromatin 19.3 DNA is coiled in arrays of nucleosomes 19.4 Nucleosomes have a common structure 19.5 DNA structure varies on the nucleosomal surface
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共同特点: 有包膜的球形病毒,80-120nm, 基因组为单股RNA二聚体,核心有逆 转录酶,复制通过DNA中间体,能与 宿主细胞DNA整合
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(一)名词解释 1.增色效应(hyperchromic effect); 2. 分子杂交(molecular hybridization); 3. 聚合酶链 式反应(PCR); 4. DNA 的变性与复性(denaturation and renaturation of DNA); 5. Tm; 6. 内含子与外显子
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一、选择题(单选或多选) 1.证明 DNA 是遗传物质的两个关键性实验是:肺炎球菌在老鼠体内的毒性和 T2 噬菌体感染大肠杆菌。这 两个实验中主要的论点证据是:( )
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第一节 细小病毒科 病毒无囊膜,球状,直径25nm,基因组为单分子 线状单股DNA。 一、猪细小病毒 1.致病 猪细小病毒病,病猪表现繁殖障碍、呼吸道 症状,严重危害养猪业。易感猪群发病率非常高。 目前只发现一个血清型
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