Numerical Analysis Laboratory Projects 1. Input and Output Your program must read from a file \in. txt\(if there is any input) and write to a file \out. txtin the current directory. 2. Judge Compiler Visual C++ 6.0 Enterprise Edition
The food manufacturing industry, in general, has always been a highly competitive business but no branch of it is more so than dehydration. Profitability hinges on so many factors, some of which are outside the manufacturer's control. One of the main hazards in this context is that of climate. Total solids in raw materials are the key to a viable operation, and, if these are low, due to wet growing conditions, the plant throughput is going to be seriously reduced
The main plant requirements for soup blending are an adequate number of ingredient bins, with discharge valves and weighing control, a collecting bin on a monorail beneath the ingredient bins, and good blending and mixing equipment
Tomato powder is much in demand by dehydrated soup manufacturers, and is now produced in many countries where tomatoes are an indigenous outdoor crop. The heavy cropping Italian plum tomato is ideal for drying down to powder, and this is grown in most areas with a 'Mediterranean- type' climate. Tomatoes have a very low solids content-not more than 6 percent- and dehydration must be preceded by evaporating the pulped
Air drying of vegetables is still the most widely used method and there are several options open to the dehydrator as to the type of dryer that can be used for this purpose. In the early days of the industry, tunnel and stove dryers were in general use. Designs varied widely but all of them involved the use of shallow trays upon which the material for drying was spread to a depth of 25-40mm. The tray loading and unloading involved a fairly high labour content but