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布线系统中除了线缆外,槽管是一个重要的组成部分,可以说:金属槽、PVC槽、金属管、 PVC管是综合布线系统的基础性材料。在综合布线系统中主要使用线槽有以下几种情况:
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A.1 Introduction A-3 A.2 Assemblers A-10 A.3 Linkers A-18 A.4 Loading A-19 A.5 Memory Usage A-20 A.6 Procedure Call Convention A-22 A.7 Exceptions and Interrupts A-33 A.8 Input and Output A-38 A.9 SPIM A-40 A.10 MIPS R2000 Assembly Language A-45 A.11 Concluding Remarks A-81 A.12 Exercises A-82
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1、掌握串级控制系统的分析与设计、投运方法。 2、掌握均匀控制系统的分析与设计方法。 3、掌握比例(比值)控制系统的分析与设计方法。 4、掌握选择性控制系统的分析与设计方法。 5、掌握分程控制系统的分析与设计方法。 6、掌握前馈控制系统的分析与设计方法。 7、了解先进控制的概念及主要的先进控制方法
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1、掌握简单控制系统的组成及分析方法。 2、掌握简单控制系统的设计方法。 3、掌握简单控制系统的投运与参数整定
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在计算机之间连网时,首先遇到的是通信线路和通道传输问题。目前,计算机通信分为有 线通信和无线通信2种。有线通信是利用电缆或光缆或电话线来充当传输导体的,无线通信是 利用卫星、微波、红外线来充当传输导体
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第一章 氨基酸和蛋白质 第二章 核酸的结构与功能 第三章 酶 第四章 维生素 第一章 糖代谢 第二章 脂类代谢 第三章 氨基酸代谢 第四章 核苷酸代谢
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■Define the address format,encapsulation,and intended use of the Intra-Site Auto- matic Tunnel Addressing Protocol (ISATAP)IPv6 transition technology. ■Describe how the IPv6 protocol in Windows Server2008 and Windows Vista supports ISATAP as a host and router. ■List and describe the routes on ISATAP hosts,ISATAP routers,and IPv6 routers that make ISATAP-based communication possible. Describe how ISATAP communication works between ISATAP hosts and native IPv6 hosts on an intranet. ■Describe how to configure a computer running Windows Server2O08 or Windows Vista as an ISATAP router
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■Describe the functions of the Neighbor Discovery(ND)protocol. ■List and describe the function and format of ND options. ■List and describe the function and format of ND messages. ■Describe which ND messages use which ND options. Describe the details of the address resolution,neighbor unreachability detection, duplicate address detection,router discovery,and redirect processes. Describe the host sending algorithm in terms of host data structures and ND messages
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■Describe the IPv6 address space,and state why the address length of128 bits was chosen. ■Describe IPve6 address syntax,including zero suppression and compression and prefixes. ■Enumerate and describe the function of the different types of unicast IPve6 addresses. ■Describe the format of multicast IPv6 addresses. ■Describe the function of anycast IPve6 addresses. ■Describe how IPve6 interface identifiers are determined. Describe how to perform bit-level subnetting on the subnet identifier portion of a unicast IPv6 address prefix
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 五四运动前的青岛  青岛主权问题与五四运动爆发  五四运动的影响与青岛主权回收  青岛问题成为五四导火索的原因
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