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Channel Coding When transmitting over a noisy channel, some of the bits are received with errors Example: Binary Symmetric Channel (BSc) Pe= probability oferror Q: How can these errors be removed? A: Coding: the addition of redundant bits that help us determine what was sent with greater accuracy
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Chapter 8 British Holidays and festivals Time Allocation: 2 periods Focal Points: Christmas. Christian trinity. Easter and Halloween . Introduction Holiday is a day set apart for religious ob'servance or for the commemoration of some extraordinary event or distinguished person, or for some other public occasion Holidays are characterized by a partial or total cessation of work and normal
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Chapter 4 Politics Time Allocation: 2 periods Focal Points: the importance of general elections; the Conservative Party and the labour party Introduction to Party systems a political party system consists of all the parties in a particular nation and the laws and customs that govern their behavior. There are three types of party systems
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A General Survey of the United Kingdom Teaching Material: The Society and Culture of Major Englishh-Speakin Countries-An Introduction By Higher Education Press) Teaching Objectives: This course is mainly to make known to the students the British politics, culture as well as society at large, and its position in the world as far as its long
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第一章船用泵 第一节泵的分类和性能参数 0001下列泵中属于叶轮式泵的是 A.齿轮泵B.叶片泵C.水环泵D.旋涡泵 0002不属于回转式容积式泵的是 A.水环泵B.齿轮泵C.螺杆泵D.旋涡泵
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Noise is additional\unwanted \signal that interferes with the transmitted signal Generated by electronic devices The noise is a random process Each\sample \ of n(tis a random variable Typically, the noise process is modeled as\Additive White Gaussian noise”(AWGN) White: Flat frequency spectrur Gaussian noise distribution
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1938锅炉的蒸发率等于 A.蒸发量/锅炉受热面积 B.蒸发量/锅炉蒸发受热面积 C.蒸发量/锅炉附加受热面积 D.蒸发量/(蒸发受热面积十过热器受热面积) 1939锅炉蒸发率高意味着 A.蒸发量大 B.蒸发受热面积大 C.效率高 D.蒸发受热面积平均传热系数大
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欧洲中央银行在经历了13个月的思想斗争之后,于2002年12月5日宣 布将欧元区主导利率降低50个基点,降到275%,逼近欧元启动以来的历史最 低水平。实际上,自2001年5月以来,欧元区的货币政策呈现单调下调的轨 迹,2年间主导利率下降了200个基点,从2001年初的475%(2000年10月 5日确定)下降到2002年年底的2.75%。欧洲中央银行货币政策的单向调整与 整个欧元区的经济增长下滑有着密切的关系,从2000年下半年开始,欧元区的 经济增长逐渐减缓,当年实现35%的10年最高增长率,但进入2001年,增长 骤降,2001年欧元区仅增长14%。本来指望2002年的经济有所恢复或至少能 与上年持平,遗憾的是,根据欧盟及国际组织的预测,欧元区2002年的增长将 是10年来的最低,不会超过0.9%( European Commission,2002a;MF,2002; OECD,2002);欧洲中央银行的预测低点是06%ECB,2002a)。鉴于这种经济持 续走弱的态势,欧洲中央银行面临着欧元区成员国政府、商界、工会、消费者 团体乃至国际货币基金组织不断要求降息的压力
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参考文献 1.书和专著 [德]阿赫特纳(王兰生译),地理学——它的历史、性质和方法,1997,北京:商务印 书馆 [俄]K.A.萨里谢夫(李道义译),地图制图学概论,1982,北京:测绘出版社 美]A.H.罗宾逊,R.D.塞尔,J.L.莫里逊,P.C墨尔克(李道义、刘耀珍译),地图 学原理,1989,北京:测绘出版社
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Chapter Objective: This chapter discusses the methodology that a multinational firm can use to analyze the investment of capital in a foreign country
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