一、理想气体的微观模型 (The microscopic model of the ideal gas)力学假设 (Mechanical hypothesis) (1)气体分子当作质点,不占体积,体现气态的特性。 The gas molecules treats as the particle, it does not account for the volume, manifests the characteristic of the gaseous state
A mass spectrometer produces a spectrum of masses based on the structure of a molecule. It is a spectrum or plot of the distribution of ion masses corresponding to the formula weight of a molecule, fragments derived from the molecule, or both
Functional groups The structural features that make it possible to classify compounds by reactivity are called functional groups. A functional group is a part of a larger molecule and is composed of an atom or a group of atoms that have a characteristic chemical behavior. The Chemistry of every organic molecules
The Cost of Taxation How do taxes affect the economic wellbeing of market participants? It does not matter whether a tax on a goodis levied on buyers or sellers of the good… the price paid by buyers rises, and theprice received by sellers falls
SLR(1), called simple LR(1) parsing, uses the DFA of sets of LR(0) items as constructed in the previous section SLR(1) increases the power of LR(0) parsing significant by using the next token in the input string – First, it consults the input token before a shift to make sure that an appropriate DFA transition exists
互联网的发展一日千里,电子商务的应用也不断发展。目前第二代基于 Web Services的系统结构刚刚出现,我们力求反映这个全新的系统结构。 系统基于商业模型、功能模型、顾客行为模型,以及IT资源的四层模型 组成。介绍了新的应用程序开发模型和Web Service架构,详细分析基于 Web Service架构中的三个要素:SOAP、WSDL和UDDI
1. Concepts of income Intermediate Accounting 4 The Income Statement and Income Recognition Capital Maintenance Concept Under this concept, corporate income for a period of time is the amount that may be paid to stockholders during that period and still enable the corporation to be as well off at the end of the period as it was at the beginning
There is generally a higher degree of uncertainty regarding the future benefits that may be derived. Their value is subject to wider fluctuations because it may depend to a considerable extent on competitive conditions