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General outline small digestive glands distributed in the wall of digestive tract esophageal glands, gastric glands and intestine glands large digestive glands outside the wall of digestive tract salivary glands, liver and pancreas
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一、鼻腔粘膜 二、喉 三、 气 管
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一、消化管的一般结构 (一)粘膜: 上皮; 固有层; 粘膜肌层 (二)粘膜下层 (三)肌层: 内环行;外纵行 (四)外膜: 纤维膜或浆膜
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一、肾 1、肾小体 (renal corpuscle) ⑴血管球 (glomerulus) ⑵肾小囊 (renal capsule)
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General outline Blood vascular system Heart Arteries Capillaries veins Lymphatic vascular system Lymphatic capillaries Lymphatic vessel Lymphatic ducts
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1. Components ---nose ---pharynx ---larynx ---trachea ---bronchi ---lung
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---Digestive system: Digestive tract Digestive gland
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1. General description: ---Components: nerve cell: neuron Glial cell: neuroglial ---Function: Neurons : receive the stimulation, conduct the nerve impulse Glial cell: support, protect and insulate, nourish neurons
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---Closed tubular system ---Blood circulatory or cardiovascular S ---Lymph vascular S
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吉林大学基础医学院:《组织学与胚胎学》课程教学课件(讲稿)细胞质The Cytoplasm The Cytoplasm
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