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§3-1房屋的组成及其作用 §3-2房屋建筑工程的设计程序 §3-3建筑施工图的分类及其有关规定
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§1.1常用制图工具和仪器的用法 §1.2制图基本规格 §1.3制图的一般步骤和方法 §1.4几何图形的画法 §1.5平面图形的分析及画法 §1.6徒手画图
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4.1 高分子材料 4.1.1 工程塑料 4.1.2 橡胶 4.1.3 胶粘剂 4.2 工业陶瓷 4.2.1 陶瓷材料的分类 4.2.2 陶瓷材料的性能 4.2.3 常用工业陶瓷 4.3 复合材料 4.3.1 复合材料的性能特点 4.3.2 复合材料的分类
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1.1 金属材料的性能 1.1.1 金属材料的力学性能 1.1.2 金属材料的其它性能简介 1.2 金属的晶体构造和结晶过程 1.2.1 金属的晶体结构 1.2.2 金属的结晶过程 1.2.3 金属的同素异构转变 1.2.4 实际金属的晶体结构
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1.教学目标 (1)使学生了解本课程研究的对象、内容以及其在培养高级机械工程技术人才全局中的地 位、作用和任务,从而明确学习本课程的目的
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Automotive Developments 1600-The Dutch employed wind power to propel sail-mounted carriages which raced along at 20 mph and held scores of passengers. It is quite probable that both speed and load capacity were exaggerated. Later, small carriages were equipped with wind-mills, the mill vanes geared to the wheels. These were probably the first land vehicles to be propelled by
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Sections Threaded fasteners and power screws Rivets Springs Sliding Bearings Rolling-Element Bearings Spur Gears Helical Bevel and worm gears Threaded Fasteners and Power screws Classes of Fasteners They may be classified into two broad categories: Removable and Permanent Removable Fasteners are defined as those that can be easily removed with hand tools and without damaging any parts. Ordinary nuts and bolts are typical examples
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Thermal Sciences and Mechanical Engineering Sections 1 Introduction, 2. The Concept of Temperature 3. Heat Transfer 4. Thermodynamics, 5. Thermal Deformation, 6. Heat Treatment 7. Energy and Environment, 8 Summary Objectives
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Fluid Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering Sections 今 Fluid statics Fluid Dynami Aerodynamics Fundamentals S 1. Fluid Properties A fluid is a substance that deforms
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Statics, Dynamics and Mechanical Engineering 1、 Introduction Mechanics Science which describes and predicts the conditions of rest or motion of bodies under the action of forces The field of Classical mechanics can be divided into three categories 1)Mechanics of Rigid Bodies
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