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What is a genome? 123456789101112 13141516171819202122XY A genome is NoT a bag of proteins
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Outline Distance Matrix Methods Neighbor-Joining Method and Related Neighbor Methods Maximum Likelihood Parsimony Branch and bound Heuristic Seaching Consensus Trees Software(PHYLIP, PAUP)
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Recursion and dynamic programming Applied dynamic programming: global alignments: Needleman-Wunsch Applied dynamic programming: local alignments Smith -Waterman Substitution matrices PAM. blosUM, Gonnet Gaps- linear and affine Alignment statistics
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This lecture: Mount pp 1-7, 29-35, 45-48, Next lecture: Mount pp 8-9, 65-89, 96-115, +more TheProteinDataBank(pdb-http.://ww.pdb.org/)isthesingle worldwide repository for the processing and distribution of 3-D biological macromolecular structure data Berman, H. M, J. Westbrook, Z Feng, G. Gilliland, T N. Bhat
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NMR supplement The second decade into the third millenium Kurt Wuthrich NMR spectroscopy is one of the principal experimental techniques of structural biology, with abilities to determine atomic resolution structures as well as investigate dynamics and intermolecular interactions of
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一、肢芽的形成 二、肢体近-远端轴线的生成 三、肢体A-P轴线的确定 四、肢体D-V轴线的确定 五、前肢和后肢发育机制有所不同 六、细胞凋亡与趾的形成 七、肢体的进化
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一、卵裂 Cleavage 二、原肠作用 Gastrulation
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一、神经管的形成 二、神经诱导作用 三、神经管的分化 四、神经元的分化 五、神经元的生长和凋亡
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I Systems Microbiology(13 Lectures 7hece∥ as a we∥}- stirred boc/ nem/ca/ reactor Introduction 2 Chemical kinetics, Equilibrium binding, cooperativity L3 Lambda phage L4 Stability analysis L5-6 Genetic switches
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Alternative views on gradient sensing Postma and van hastert. 'a diffusion-translocation model for gradient sensing by chemotactic cells Biophys.J.81,1314(2001) Levchenko and Iglesias. Models of eukaryotic gradient sensing: applications to chemotaxis of amoeba and neutrophils
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