Longitudinal equations (1-15) can be rewritten as: mu Xuu+ Xww-mg cos 0+ m(w-qUo) =Zuu+ Zww+ Zq-mg sin 000+Z Iyyg =Muu+ Mww+ Mw++ There is no roll/yaw motion, so q 0
NMR supplement Hendrickson, W-A& Wuthrich, K Macromolecular 16. Leahy, D.J., Aukhil, I.& Erickson, H.P. 2.0 Cell 84 A K.D. thanks the Wellcome Trust and The queens 2D0i9 Riddiough. G. Nature Struct. Biol 18. sakaning. AK Kean. cel l8r.597-605i(eRw& by the Wellcome Trust. The authors acknowledge