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6.1 一维周期场中电子的波函数φk(x)应满足布洛赫定理,若晶格常数为a,电子的 波函数为
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50.1 Introduction 50.2 Defining Equations Piezoelectricity and Electrostriction. Electrostriction and V. Sundar and Compliance Matrices Magnitudes and Signs of Electrostrictive R.E. Newnham Coefficients
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49.1 Introduction 49.2 Mechanical Characteristics Applications. Structure of Ferroelectric and Piezoelectric Materials 49.3 Ferroelectric Materials K. F.Etzold Electrical Characteristics
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48.1 Introduction 48.2 Propagation in Solids 48.3 Piezoelectric Excitation Gerald. Farnell 48.4 One-Dimensional Propagation McGill University 48.5Transducers 48.1 Introduction
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47.1 Introduction 47.2 SAW Material Properties 47.3 Basic Filter Specifications 47.4 SAW Transducer Modeling The SAW Superposition Impulse Response Transducer
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一、温度对静态工作点的影响 二、静态工作点稳定的典型电路 三、稳定静态工作点的方法
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46.1 Introduction 46.2 Transduction Mechanisms Piezoelectricity Magnetostriction. Electrodynamic. Electrostatic. Magnetic. Hydraulic. Fiber Optic.Parametric Transducers. Carbon Microphones 46.3 Sensitivity and Source Level 46.4 Reciprocity
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45.1Introduction 45.2 Background Discussion Modeling as a Transfer Function. Some Issues Involved i
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一、本征半导体 二、杂质半导体 三、PN结的形成及其单向导电性 四、PN结的电容效应
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44.1 Introduction 44.2 The Field equations Low Frequency Fields. Statics Limit 44.3 Numerical Methods C. W. Trowbridge
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