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6.1 路由器在网际互连中的作用 6.1.1 路由器的构成 6.1.2 交换构件 6.1.3 互联网与因特网 6.2 因特网的网际协议 IP 6.2.1 分类的 IP地址 6.2.2 IP 地址与硬件地址 6.2.3 地址解析协议 ARP 和逆地址解析协议 RARP 6.2.4 IP 数据报的格式 6.2.5 IP 层处理数据报的流程 ? 6 ? 网络互连(续) 6.3 划分子网和构造超网 6.3.1 划分子网 6.3.2 使用子网掩码的分组转发过程 6.3.3 无分类编址 CIDR 6.4 因特网控制报文协议 ICMP 6.5 因特网的路由选择协议 6.5.1 有关路由选择协议的几个基本概念 6.5.2 内部网关协议 RIP 6.5.3 内部网关协议 OSPF 6.5.4 外部网关协议 BGP ? 6 ? 网络互连(续) 6.6 IP 多播和因特网组管理协议 IGMP 6.6.1 IP 多播的基本概念 6.6.2 因特网组管理协议 IGMP 6.6.3 多播路由选择 6.7 虚拟专用网 VPN 和网络地址转换 NAT 6.8 下一代的网际协议 IPv6 (IPng) 6.8.1 解决 IP 地址耗尽的措施 6.8.2 IPv6 的基本首部 6.8.3 IPv6 的扩展首部 6.8.4 IPv6 的地址空间 6.8.5 从 IPv4 到 IPv6 的过渡 6.8.6 ICMPv6
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11.1 Visual C++环境简介 11.2 Windows编程基础 11.3 MFC基础 1 1.4 使用Visual C++开发Windows程序
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1. 提问 知道目前的流行编程语言吗 C 语言主要用在哪些方面 2. 依题 p29,4:实现数据输出要点 printf 语句的使用规律:除了格式控制符,其他字符原样照印
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应知 复习、巩固一维数组、二维数组、字符串的定义、引用、 输入输出 应会 进一步熟悉数组的程序设计,根据题目分析算法,熟练地 转化为程序语言。熟悉字符串结束标志的使用。并进一步 巩固循环语句和条件语句
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Generate executable code for a target machine that is a faithful representation of the semantics of the source code Depends not only on the characteristics of the source language but also on detailed information about the target architecture, the structure of the runtime environment, and the operating system running on the target machine
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Assuming two bytes for integers, four bytes for addresses, one byte for character and eight bytes for double-precision floating point, we would have the following offset values:
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SLR(1), called simple LR(1) parsing, uses the DFA of sets of LR(0) items as constructed in the previous section SLR(1) increases the power of LR(0) parsing significant by using the next token in the input string – First, it consults the input token before a shift to make sure that an appropriate DFA transition exists
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Main idea LL(1) Parsing uses an explicit stack rather than recursive calls to perform a parse An example: – a simple grammar for the strings of balanced parentheses: S→(S) S∣ε The following table shows the actions of a top￾down parser given this grammar and the string ( )
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The memory of a typical computer: A register area; Addressable Random access memory (RAM): A code area; A data area. The code area is fixed prior to execution, and can be visualized as follows:
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