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The speed of sound Sound waves are longitudinal mechanical waves that can travel through solids, liquids, or gases. The speed of a sound wave in medium(having bulk modulus(容变弹性模量)and density p) is:
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Chapter 34Quantum Mechanics 1. Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle 2. Schrodinger's Equation
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Chapter 28 Inductance and Electromagnetic Oscillations 1. Self and Mutual Induction 2. Energy Stored in a Magnetic Field
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12-1道路工程测量概述 初测在路线可能范围内,测回带状地 形图、纵断面图,收集地质、水文等资料 ,为初步设计提供依据。 定测在选定设计方案的路线上进行中 线测量、纵、横断面测量、带状地形图测 绘
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Chapter 27 Electromagnetic Induction and Faraday's Law 1. The Law of Electromagnetic Induction (电磁感应定律) 2. Motional Induced EMF (动生和感生电动势)
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Chapter 33 Early Quantum Theory and Models of the Atom 1. Planck's Quantum Hypothesis 2. The Photoelectric Effect 3. Compton Effect 4. Wave Nature of Matter
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⚫4.1 设置图层 ⚫4.2 设置线型 ⚫4.3 设置颜色 ⚫4.4 “图层”和“对象特性”工具栏
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深圳大学:《工程制图》精品课程教学资源(上机指导)第11章 AutoCAD设计中心
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