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Brittle deformation = the permanent change that occurs in a solid material due to the growth of fractures and/or sliding on fractures. A fracture is a surface of discontinuity (includes cracks, joints and faults). Faults result from shear stresses, and joints result from tensile stresses:
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what you always wanted to know about folds, faults, and joints Stress = the force applied to a plane divided by the area of the plane
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The change in volume or shape of an object that results from stress is called strain. The response of rocks to stress can be divided into - elastic response: rock returns to original shape - ductile or plastic response: permanent deformation without fracture; occurs above the so-called elastic limit
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一、名词解释(20 分,每小题 2 分) 1. 递进变形;2. 枢纽;3. 张节理;4. 地垒与地堑;5. 水平断距; 6. 飞来峰和构造窗;7. 叶理;8. 流线;9. 韧性剪切带;10. 应变
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一、名词解释(20 分,每小题 2 分) 1. 递进变形:从初始状态至最终状态之间,岩石变形的全过程,用于理解和描述变形 过程(演化)。)
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一、地球的基本参数 二、地球的主要物理性质 三、地球的圈层构造 四、地球表面的地形
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一、解释下列术语: 1. 双重构造;2. 有效应力;3. 铲状断层;4. 花状构造;5. 石香肠构造与窗棂构造
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10、水资源、土壤资源、矿物资源、 11、能源(煤、油、气、核能、太阳能、风能、地热、潮汐能、水能、生物能)
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一、元素 二、矿物 三、岩石
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(一)矿床地质学简介 (二)基本概念 (三)成矿作用和矿石成因分类
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