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This article considers how professionals \think by doing\and provides theoretical rationale for reflective practice as a model for teaching journalism. It presents a model focused on the development of graduate efficacy in the intellectual skills and understanding required of professional practitioners. The model uses critical reflection as a cognitive bridge between journalism theory and professional
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The Federal Reserve 's job is to take away the punch bowl just as the party William McChesney martin tiously turning the steering wheel to adjust to the unexpected irregule ties of the route, but some means of keeping the monetary passenger who is in the back seat as ballast from occasionally leaning over and giving the steering wheel a jerk that threatens to send the car off the road Milton friedman
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1. GDP measures both the total income of everyone in the economy and the total expendi- ture on the economy's output of goods and services. GDP can measure two things at once because both are really the same thing: for an economy as a whole, income must al expenditure. As the circular flow diagram in the text illustrates, these are alter- native, equivalent ways of measuring the flow of dollars in the economy
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1适用范围 本方法适用于饮用水、地下水、地表水中浓度在ug/~10ug/L的砷(包含有机砷)的 测定。 2原理概要 本方法是利用原子吸收测定砷化三氢热分解产生的砷。在本法的条件下,只有As() 被定量的转化为氢化物。为了避免误差,在测定前,其它氧化态均要转化成As()。砷与 四氢硼酸钠在盐酸介质下反应被还原为气态的砷化三氢。在193.7nm处测定吸光度
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The provision of mass media content over next-generation 3G mobile networks is envi- sioned as an exciting new application of new media. This paper focuses on the mobile Internet as strategic challenge for media and entertainment companies. It provides an overview of distinctive features of the mobile Internet related to personalization, time and location sensitivity, uncertainties b echnology push and market pull, and motiva- tions for engagemer
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This study examines the relationship between the extent of initial public offering (IPO) underpricing and market sentiment surrounding technology issues listing on the Australian Stock Exchange(AsX) during 1999 and 2000. We consider hype surrounding these issues as reflected in the media and as reflected in the market 's sentiment towards recent offerings by similar firms We also consider the relationship between technology firms' need for follow-on offerings due to
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A1 ntroduction Britain's 'mixed economy'-an economy in which there is some public ownership as well as privately owned business
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A Theory of Customary International Law Jackl. Goldsmithand eric A. Posner*e Customary international law (\CIL\)is one of two primary forms of international law, the other being the treaty. CIL is typically defined as a\customary practice of states followed from a sense of legal obligation. \1 Conventional wisdom views CiL as a unitary phenomenon that pervades
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NMR supplement The second decade into the third millenium Kurt Wuthrich NMR spectroscopy is one of the principal experimental techniques of structural biology, with abilities to determine atomic resolution structures as well as investigate dynamics and intermolecular interactions of
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n contrast to alcohols with their rich chemical reactivity, ethers (compounds contain- ing a C-0-C unit) undergo relatively few chemical reactions. As you saw wher we discussed Grignard reagents in Chapter 14 and lithium aluminum hydride reduc- tions in Chapter 15, this lack of reactivity of ethers makes them valuable as solvents in a number of synthetically important transformatio. In the present chapter you will learn
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