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General Aspects Ecology – Found throughout the environment Very simple nutritional requirements – Not usually in normal flora unless hospitalized or immunocompromised
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Diversity of species Ecology – Found worldwide in soil, water, vegetation, and microbial flora of animals and humans – Some are always associated with disease
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Comparison of Meningococcus and Gonococcus Pathobiology Similarities: – Both diploccocci – Share about 80% DNA – Neither makes exotoxin; both make endotoxin – Both are relatively good colonizers
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Staphylococci Important human pathogen – Causes both relatively minor and serious diseases One of the hardiest of the non￾sporeforming bacteria – Can exist on dry surfaces for a long period – Relatively heat-resistant; temperature range
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Production of Ab and Activation of Macrophages and Cytotoxic T Cells T-Dependent T-Independent
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Definition – Soluble substances that alter normal metabolism of host cells with deleterious effects on the host Host range – Known for bacteria, but possible that they play a role in diseases caused by fungi
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《普通遗传学》课程电子教案(PPT教学课件)第九章 基因工程和基因组学
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第一章 绪论 第二章 菌种的扩大培养 第三章 灭菌 第四章 酶催化反应动力学 第五章 微生物生长动力学 第六章 发酵动力学与发酵过程控制 第七章 生物反应器中的物质传递 第八章 生物反应器
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一、 DEFINITION Fundamental metabolism: water metabolism, mineral nutrition ,photosynthesis, repiration Seed germination,growth, differentiation, flower ing,fertilization
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