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猪场相关指标 计算结果 每年的天数(天)+A30 365母猪的繁殖周期(天) 163 猪场年生产能力(头)
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7.1 概述 7.2 典型计算机网络的分析 7.3 计算机网络的应用与发展
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计算机的应用已不再局限于科学计算,而更多地用 于控制、管理及数据处理等非数值计算的处理工作 与此对应,计算机加工处理的对象由纯粹的数值发 展到字符、表格和图像等各种具有一定结构的数据 为了编写出一个“好”的程序,必须分析待处理的对 象的特征以及各对象之间存在的关系,这就是“数 据结构”这门学科形成和发展的背景
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1 Introduction Problem Definition Existing Methods 2 Isotropic Hashing Model Learning Experiment 3 Multiple-Bit Quantization Double-Bit Quantization Manhattan Quantization 4 Conclusion 5 Reference
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1 Introduction Problem Definition Existing Methods Motivation and Contribution 2 Isotropic Hashing Model Learning Experimental Results 3 Multiple-Bit Quantization Double-Bit Quantization Manhattan Quantization 4 Conclusion 5 Reference
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1 Introduction 2 Unsupervised Hashing 3 Supervised Hashing 4 Ranking-based Hashing 5 Multimodal Hashing 6 Deep Hashing 7 Quantization 8 Conclusion 9 Reference
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1 Introduction Problem Definition Existing Methods 2 Scalable Graph Hashing with Feature Transformation Motivation Model and Learning Experiment 3 Conclusion 4 Reference
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1 Introduction Problem Definition Existing Methods 2 Isotropic Hashing 3 Supervised Hashing with Latent Factor Model 4 Supervised Multimodal Hashing with SCM 5 Multiple-Bit Quantization Double-Bit Quantization Manhattan Quantization 6 Conclusion 7 Reference
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数据结构”是计算机程序设计的重要理论技术基础,它不仅是计算机学 科的核心课程,而且已成为其他理工专业的热门选修课。本书是为“数据结 构”课程编写的教材,其内容选取符合教学大纲要求,并兼顾学科的广度和深 度,适用面广
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