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CHAPTER 10 GENERALIZED LEAST SQUARES ESTIMATION Chapter 10 Generalized Least Squares Estimation 10.1 Model
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Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 What is econometrics? Application of st atistical and mathematical met hods to the analysis of economic Purposes 1. Testing economic theories 2. Policy analysis(simultaneous equations model, vector autoregressive model
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模拟试题六 1.某商品X的需求函数为: Qx=197000-100P+50P+0.1m+0.02A 其中:Py=300为商品y的价格; 家庭平均收入m=10000 广告费A=200000
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5. 1 The Government Bond Market 5.1.1 when the government runs a deficit, it has to get the funds. There are three ways for the government to get funds
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3.1金融体系 1.金融体系的模式: 银行职能高度集中的金融体系 中央银行职能松散的金融体系
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4.1资金的融通方式 1.直接融资 (1)优点: 便于资金所有者多元化投资的需要;所筹资金规模大,期限长,稳定性高,便于长期使用
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3.1 flow of funds 3.1.1 the flow of funds from saverlender- borrower-spenders-
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1.传统的货币理论 (1)早期货币数量论 冷所有金属货币都必然处于流通之中
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6. 1 The Nature of Financial Intermediation 6. 2 Depository Financial Institutions The deposit liabilities of these institutions form the cornerstones of the money supply. Generally speaking, commercial banks are the largest depository institutions
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1.信用的含义 信用只借贷行为,它是以偿还和付息为条件的价值单方面让渡,是价值运动的特殊形式
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