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Computer networks are geographically distributed collections of communication links and switching proces￾sors, the purpose of which is to transport data between computers, workstations, and terminals. In general the elements of a computer network must follow compatible rules of operation together to function effectively. These rules of operation are known as protocols
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The term computer graphics refers to the generation,representation, manipulation, processing, and display of data by a computer. Computer-generated images may be real or imagined, animated or still, two-dimensional (2-D) or three-dimensional (3-D).Today most computers, particularly those in the PC,Macintosh, or workstation categories
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Input devices are those portions of computer, data processing, and information systems that perform the essential function of providing some means for entering commands and data into the system. Therefore, input devices are found in all such systems, but are treated here as a separate equipment group, independent of the
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14.1 Fourier Transforms Introduction. The Classical Fourier Transform for CT Signals. ion of CT Periodic Signals.Generalized T Fourier Transform.Relationship e Fourier Transform 14.2 Fou er Transform lationship to the Finite Time W. Kenneth Jenkins University of Illinois Amplitude,and Phase Alexander D. Poularikas
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devices the techniques were tailored to gate networks of the type described above. The term gate was already in use in the forties to denote the logical elements discussed earlier. There are very many good references on Boolean algebra and we may quote only a selected few of them. Suffice it to mention the texts by Hill and Peterson [1974], Kohavi [1978], and Hohn [1966]. These books give
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2.0 数据通道概述 2.1 数据采集系统的组成结构 2.2 信号调理 2.2.1 传感器的选用 2.2.2 运用前置放大器的依据 2.2.3 信号调理通道中的常用放大器 2.2.4 V/I和I/V转换电路
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Yariv Ephraim ATeT Bell Laboratories George Mason University Jesse W.Fussell General Approaches. Model Adaptation. Analysis-by-Synthesis. Department of Defense Particular Implementations. Speech Quality and Intelligibility Standardiza Variable Rate Coding. Summary and Conclusions Lynn D. Wilcox FX Palo Alto Lab
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1.计算负荷的意义 在进行建筑供配电设计时,电气设计人 员是根据一个假想负荷----计算负荷,按照 允许发热条件选择供配电系统的导线截面、 确定变压器容量,制订提高功率因数的措 施,选择及整定保护设备。 根据这些原始资料及设备的工作特性, 选择适当的计算方法,通过一系列的计算 将设计中的设备安装负荷变成计算负荷
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1. 配管的一般规定 2. 钢管布线 3. 硬质塑料管布线 4. 半硬塑料管及混凝土板孔布线 5.穿线管径的选择
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5.1 干扰的来源与传播途径 5.1.1 干扰的来源 5.1.2 干扰的传播途径 5.2 硬件抗干扰措施 5.2.1 串模干扰的抑制 5.2.2 共模干扰的抑制 5.2.3 长线传输干扰的抑制 5.2.4 信号线的选择与敷设 5.2.5 电源系统的抗干扰 5.2.6 接地系统的抗干扰 5.3 软件抗干扰措施 5.3.1 指令冗余技术 5.3.2 软件陷阱技术 5.4 程序运行监视系统 5.4.1 Watchdog Timer工作原理 5.4.2 Watchdog Timer实现方法
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