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8.1 Windows操作系统探测及端口扫描实验 8.2 Back Track5系统的安装 8.3 Nmap网络扫描工具
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6.1 入侵检测原理 6.2 入侵检测实验 6.3 Snort扩展实验 6.4 基于虚拟蜜网的网络攻防实验 6.5 工控入侵检测实验
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第一节 食品安全概念 第二节 食品安全风险分析 风险评估(risk assessment) 风险管理(risk management) 风险信息交流(risk communication)
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Chapter 1 Recent Advances in Pattern Classification Chapter 2 Neural Networks for Handwriting Recognition Chapter 3 Moving Object Detection from Mobile Platforms Using Stereo Data Registration Chapter 4 Pattern Classifications in Cognitive Informatics Chapter 5 Optimal Differential Filter on Hexagonal Lattice Chapter 6 Graph Image Language Techniques Supporting Advanced Classification and Cognitive Interpretation of CT Coronary Vessel Visualizations Chapter 7 A Graph Matching Approach to Symmetry Detection and Analysis
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1 Soft Computing Approach to Pattern Classification and Object Recognition 2 Pattern Classification Based on Conventional Interpretation of MFI 3 Pattern Classification Based on New Interpretation of MFI 4 Pattern Classification Based on New Interpretation of MFI and Floating Point Genetic Algorithm 5 Neuro-Genetic Approach to Pattern Classification Based on the New Interpretation of MFI 6 Knowledge-Based Occluded Object Recognition Based on New Interpretation of MFI and Floating Point Genetic Algorithm 7 Neuro-Fuzzy Approach to Occluded Object Recognition Based on New Interpretation of MFI
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➤ 纪录⽚ ➤ 上海⽂⼴集团和上海市卫计委联合拍摄 ➤ 拍摄周期2年(猜测13-14年筹拍) ➤ 公布信息远少于其他医疗剧
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一、软件 1.计算机系统:硬件+软件 2.软件:包含与数据处理系统操作有关的程序、规程、规则、以及相关文档的智力创作
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三、分组交换与路由 1.广域网的结构 2.编址与分组交换 3.路由问题 4.常用广域网
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1.广域网的通信线路与接入技术 2.包交换机与路由器工作原理 3.再谈网络的灵魂,网络的语言——协议(实现异构网络的连接)
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网络体系结构是计算机之间相互通信的层次,以及 各层中的协议和层次之间接口的集合。网络协议是 计算机网络和分布系统中互相通信的对等实体间交 换信息时所必须遵守的规则的集合
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