一、电子数据交换(EDI)的含义 电子数据交换(EDI: Electronic Data Interchange)开始于20世纪60年代,EDI的含义是指商业贸易伙伴之间,将按标准、协议规范工化和格式化的经济信息通过电子数据网络,在单位的计算机系统之间进行自动交换和处理,它是电子商业贸易的一种工具,将商业文件按统一的标准编制成计算机能识别和处理的数据格式,在计算机之间进行传输
■Describe the IPv6 address space,and state why the address length of128 bits was chosen. ■Describe IPve6 address syntax,including zero suppression and compression and prefixes. ■Enumerate and describe the function of the different types of unicast IPve6 addresses. ■Describe the format of multicast IPv6 addresses. ■Describe the function of anycast IPve6 addresses. ■Describe how IPve6 interface identifiers are determined. Describe how to perform bit-level subnetting on the subnet identifier portion of a unicast IPv6 address prefix
■Describe the functions of the Neighbor Discovery(ND)protocol. ■List and describe the function and format of ND options. ■List and describe the function and format of ND messages. ■Describe which ND messages use which ND options. Describe the details of the address resolution,neighbor unreachability detection, duplicate address detection,router discovery,and redirect processes. Describe the host sending algorithm in terms of host data structures and ND messages