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复旦大学:《细胞生物学 Cell Biology》课程教学资源_课程大纲
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Equilibria and free energies Estimate binding site occupancy Forces driving protein-DNA interactions Lambda repressor Methods to study protein-DNA interactions
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Techniques to manipulate DNA Phenol/chloroform extraction Ethanol precipitation Concentration determination Gel Electrophoresis DNA hybridization Southern blotting Melting temperatures
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In vivo dna binding pattern of the polycomb Txn factor 1. What are the genes towhich it binds? 2. how does it affect theserenes? 3. What determines where itBinds??
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奈瑟菌属(Neisseria)中脑膜炎奈瑟菌(n. gonorrhoeae)和淋病奈瑟菌(N. meningitidis)对人有致病性,典型细胞内寄生。其余的均为人类呼吸道正常菌群,偶而可引起脑膜炎和心内膜炎等
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Wonder of the Genetic Engineering Expression of luciferase gene in a plant
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在水处理、固体废弃物处理和废气处 理中的微生物及其作用
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昆虫的各种主要生殖方式, 昆虫的变态类型 幼虫类型及蛹的类型 成虫的生物学及昆虫的习性 生物学概念: 1、孤雌生殖 2、变态 3、雌雄二型现象 4、拟态 5、保护色 6、趋性
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第一节 胚胎工程技术 第二节 转基因动物
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