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区域变质作用 概述 区域变质岩 变质矿床及含矿建造 变质作用与地壳演化
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《新疆地质概论》课程教学大纲 xinjiang geology
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Geology Geology is the science of studying Earth. Geologists study the Earth's processes, such as: Volcanism. Glaciation. Stream-flow. Rock formation
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Introduction: What Is Mineral? Mineral Naturally formed, inorganic, solid material with a specific chemical composition and a characteristic crystalline structure. Rock Naturally formed, coherent mass of one or more minerals, sometimes including organic debris
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Introduction: Sediments In The Rock Cycle Sediments are transported by: Water. ce Wind. Gravity. The transport and deposition of sediments are initial phases of the rock cycle. The ultimate fate of most sediment is burial and conversion to sedimentary rock
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一、目视解译标志 二、目视解译方法 三、目视解译过程 四、不同类型遥感图象的判读 五、遥感制图
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一、遥感图像校正 二、图像变换 三、图象增强 四、遥感图象融合 五、彩色合成
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一、定量遥感基础 二、遥感信息模型 三、定量遥感主要研究内容
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一、遥感基本概念 二、遥感技术系统 三、遥感特点与作用 四、遥感发展与趋势
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一、遥感成像机理 二、遥感器类型 三、不同遥感图像特点
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