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Proposed Schedule Changes · Switch lecture No quiz Informal (ungraded) presentation of term project ideas Read Phadke ch. 7-- Construction Orthogonal Arrays -Quiz on ANOVA Noise experiment due Robust System Design
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Learning objectives Introduce explore orthogonality Study the standard oas Practice computing dOF of an experiment Learn how to select a standard oa Introduce means to modify Oas Consider studying interactions in Oas Robust System Design
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Plan for the session Guest lecture by Eric Feron(1 hour) Quiz on Design of Dynamic Systems(15 minutes Review of reliability Improvement Case Study --Router Bit Life(35 minutes) 16.881
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Plan for the session Quiz on Constructing Orthogonal Arrays (10 minutes) Complete some advanced topics on oas Lecture on Computer Aided robust design Recitation on hw#5 Robust system design
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Final Project Questions Let's take up to an hour to Review progress answer questions Referencing sources in the term project Direct quotes-- Place in quotes or indent and cite source in footnote or reference
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The mahalanobis distance in Character Recognition Authored by Dan Frey 31 July 98 This sheet explores the use of the Mahalanobis Distance in character It defines a letters a.b.c. and d It creates a population of distorted letters to train a classifier
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Administrative matters Instructors: Eytan Modiano Meeting times: Tuesdays and Thursdays Text: Communications Systems engineering Proakis and salehi Grading 10% weekly Homework Assignments 30% each of 3 exams Final exam during final exam period
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Sampling Given a continuous time waveform, can we represent it using discrete samples? How often should we sample? Can we reproduce the original waveform?
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Source coding Source Encode Channel Alphabet alphabet Source symbols Letters of alphabet, ASClI symbols, English
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Channel Coding When transmitting over a noisy channel, some of the bits are received with errors Example: Binary Symmetric Channel (BSc) Pe= probability oferror Q: How can these errors be removed? A: Coding: the addition of redundant bits that help us determine what was sent with greater accuracy
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