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DestinationAddress Output port number or VC number A packet switch consists of a routing engine (table look-up), a switch scheduler, and a switch fabric
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Service times M/G/1 General independent Poisson arrivals at rate λ Service time has arbitrary distribution with given E[X] and E[X2] – Service times are independent and identically
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RESERVATION SYSTEMS Single channel shared by multiple users Only one user can use t he channel at a time
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Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) In certain situations nodes can hear each other by listening to the channel “Carrier Sensing” CSMA: Polite version of Aloha
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• Why need networks • History of Networks • Network Classification • Layered Network Model
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Broadcast Routing Route a packet from a source to all nodes in the network Possible solutions: – Flooding: Each node sends packet on all outgoing links Discard packets received a second time – Spanning Tree Routing: Send packet along a tree that includes all of the nodes in the network
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本课程为热能动力类本科生的专业选修课。其讲授内容是从事热能动力类工程技术人员应掌握的 相关知识。其主要任务是:使学生了解、掌握计算机过程控制技术的应用和控制系统的工程实现,包 括各种计算机硬件、软件应用技术及系统控制方法,涉及计算机控制的基本概念、过程通道、总线、 通信网络和接口技术、过程计算机的常规控制技术,以及分散控制系统等
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引言 变电站自动化系统的功能 变电站自动化的几个关键技术问题 面向对象的变电站通信网络与系统—IEC 61850
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引言 变电站自动化系统的功能 变电站自动化的几个关键技术问题 面向对象的变电站通信网络与系统—IEC 61850
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