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Eco514Game Theory Lecture 3: Nash Equilibrium Marciano Siniscalchi September 23, 1999 Introduction Nash equilibrium has undoubtedly proved to be the most influential idea in game theory. enabled fundamental breakthroughs in economics and the social sciences. Its development was a major intellectual achievement; what is perhaps more important, it Recent foundational research has emphasized the subtleties in the interpretation of Nash
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Chapter F2 Power notes Analyzing Transactions Learning objectives 1. Usefulness of an Account 2. Characteristics of an Account 3. Analyzing and Summarizing Transactions 4. Illustration of Analyzing and Summarizing 5. Trial Balance 6. Discovery and Correction of Errors 7. Financial Analysis and Interpretation
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Chapter F4 Power notes Completing the Accounting Cycle Learning Objectives 1. Work sheet 2. Financial Statements 3. Adjusting and Closing Entries 4. Accounting Cycle 5. Fiscal year 6. Financial Analysis and Interpretation
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Chapter F7 Power notes Receivables Learning objectives 1. Classification of receivables 2. Internal Control of receivables 3. Uncollectible receivables 4. Uncollectibles- Allowance Method 5. Uncollectibles- Direct Write-Off Method 6. Characteristics of notes receivable 7. Accounting for Notes Receivable 8. Balance Sheet Presentation 9. Financial Analysis and Interpretation
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Chapter F9 Power notes Fixed Assets and Intangible Assets Learning objectives 1. Nature of Fixed Assets 2. Accounting for Depreciation 3. Capital and Revenue Expenditures 4. Disposal of Fixed Assets 5. Leasing Fixed Assets 6. Internal Control of fixed assets 7 Natural resources 8. Intangible Assets 9. Financial Reporting 10. Financial Analysis and Interpretation
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luse this is the central part of the environment model, let's look in very painful detail at an example of an evaluation. In (square 4)I g particular, let's look at the evaluation of (square 4)with x;10 respect to the global environment. Here is the structure we start
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Slide 14.1.1 Elements of ooP Last time we introduced the idea of object oriented systems Today, we want to build on those basics, looking at how we can expand object-oriented systems to deal with hierarchies of objects, to leverage the commonality of methods between
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Slide 15.1.1 Why do we need an interpreter? Our goal over the next few lectures is to build an interpreter which in a very basic sense is the ultimate in programming, since doing so will allow us to define our language
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1. Arithmetic calculator 6 (define (eval exp) 8 ((number? exp) exp) ((sum? exp (eval-sum exp))
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signment exp en ((definition? exp)(eval-definition exp env)) ((if? exp)(eval-if exp env)) ((lambda? exp) (make-procedure (lambda-parameters exp)(lambda-body exp) env)) ((begin? exp)(eval-sequence (begin-actions exp)env)
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