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Network layer functions transport packet from sending to receiving hosts network layer protocols in physical every host, router data link physical data link
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United Nations Criminal Justice Information Network The United Nations Criminal Justice Information Network (UNCJIN)was created in 1989 pursuant to Economic and Social Council resolution 1986/11 of 21 May 1986, in which the Secretary-General was invited to establish, in cooperation with the United Nations institutes and other entities concerned, a global crime and criminal justice information network, including a mechanism for the centralizatio of inputs from non-
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Flow control: end-to-end mechanism for regulating traffic between source and destination Congestion control: Mechanism used by the network to limit congestion The two are not really separable, and I will refer to both as flow control In either case, both amount to mechanisms for limiting the amount of traffic entering the network Sometimes the load is more than the network can handle Eytan Modiano
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图与网络分析 Graph Theory and Network Analysis 网络流(Flow)与最大流问题 最小费用大流问题 前面讨论的旅行社的计划问题中,旅行社解决了将尽可能多的 游客(86人)送往了目的地—北京,但旅行社计划时没有考虑机 票的成本。现在旅行社考虑的问题是既要送出尽可能多的游客(86 人),又要使机票的总成本最低,应该如何制定新的计划呢?这就 是最小费用大流所研究解决的一类流量问题。 最小费用大流问题还广泛应用于诸如最优匹配,运输问题等一 类问题。 应该注意的是:最小费用大流问题首先要解决网络上的最大流 ,目的是寻找使总费用达到最小的那个最大流
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Used for analyzing network performance In packet networks, events are random Random packet arrivals Random packet lengths While at the physical layer we were concerned with bit-error-rate, at the network layer we care about delays How long does a packet spend waiting in buffers?
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Broadcast Routing Route a packet from a source to all nodes in the network Possible solutions: Flooding: Each node sends packet on all outgoing links Discard packets received a second time Spanning Tree Routing: Send packet along a tree that includes all of the nodes in the network
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Queueing Systems Used for analyzing network performance In packet networks, events are random Random packet arrivals Random packet lengths While at the physical layer we were concerned with bit-error-rate, at the network layer we care about delays How long does a packet spend waiting in buffers
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Chapter 5: Tunneling and Application Gateway Chapter goal: Multiprotocol environment a Multiprotocol environment Mixing network technologies Mixing network technologies Encapsulation and tunneling Encapsulation and tunneling
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