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7.1. Overall Structural Behavior of VS 7.2. Shear Wall Subsystem 7.3. Shaft (Tube) Subsystem 7.4. Rigid Frame Subsystem
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7.1. Overall Structural Behavior of VS 7.2. Shear Wall Subsystem 7.3. Shaft (Tube) Subsystem 7.4. Rigid Frame Subsystem
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Introduction Genetic Defects Neural Tube Defect Mouth/facial defects Limb defects Congenital Heart Defects Summary
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§3-1 扭转的概念和实例 (Concepts and example problem of torsion) §3-2 扭转内力的计算 (Calculating internal force of torsion) §3-3 薄壁圆筒的扭转 (Torsion in thin—wall circular tube) §3-4 圆轴扭转的应力分析及强度条件 (Analyzing stress of circular bars & strength condition) §3-8 开口和闭合薄壁截面杆的自由扭转 (Free torsion of open and closed thin￾walled members) §3-5 圆杆在扭转时的变形 ·刚度条件 (Torsional deformation of circular bars & stiffness condition) §3-6 密圈螺旋弹簧的应力和变形 (Calculation of the stress and deformation in close-coiled helical springs) §3-7 非圆截面杆的扭转 (Torsion of noncircular prismatic bars)
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3-1扭转的概念和实例 (Concepts and example problem of torsion) 3-2扭转内力的计算 (Calculating internal force of torsion) §3-3薄壁圆筒的扭转 (Torsion in thin-wall circular tube) 3-4圆轴扭转的应力分析及强度条件 (Analyzing stress of circular bars& strength condition)
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83.1 Light-Emitting Diodes Semiconductor Device Principles • Semiconductor Materials • Device Efficiency • Interfacing 83.2 Liquid-Crystal Displays Principle of Operation • Interfacing 83.3 The Cathode Ray Tube
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Summer Conditions Heat flow Indoor air temperature Summer Conditions Heat flow Indoor air temperature Remove heat from indoor air Finned-Tube Heat Exchanger
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草本,灌木或乔木,常有刺及明显的皮孔。 叶互生,稀对生,单叶或复叶,托叶常附生于叶柄上 而成对。 花两性,辐射对称,花托凸隆或凹陷, 花被与雄蕊常愈合成1碟状、钟状杯状、坛状或圆筒 状的花筒( floral tube或 hypanthium),此花筒常被 称为萼筒或花托筒,花萼、花冠和雄蕊看起来从花筒
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一.竖直度盘(vertical circle)的构造 1.包括:(1)竖盘(vertical circle)竖盘指标水准管(vertical index bubble tube)和(3)竖盘指标水准管微动螺旋。后两部分可采用竖盘指标自动归 零补偿器(vertical index compensator)来替代
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Spring 2003 Example Given: Catapult rotating at a constant rate(frictionless, in the horizontal plane) Find the eom of the particle as it leaves the tube
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