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一、生物化学定义: 可以认为是生命的化学,是研究微生物、植物、动物 及人体等化学组成和生命过程中的化学变化的一门科学
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在当今这个科技高速发展的新时代,你可能感觉不到化学的存在和它 对我们的影响。这是为什么?因为化学早已渗透你的生活,在无形中影响学生的学 着你方方面面。从人类对火的使用开始,到化工合成开始逐步取代天然原习兴趣, 料,到现在方兴未艾的有机合成和材料工业、纳米技术、生物化学,可以深入理解 说化学从它诞生的那一天起,就在人们的生活中充当着一个无可替代的脚课程的本 色
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A/B milk and yoghurt, 428 atto Abbe refractometer. 458 Apo-lactoferrin, 364 of cheese. 4 Apparent viscosity, 454, 455 djunct starters, 41 Arachidonic acid, 142 attenuated lactic acid bacteria, 418 Arteriovenous difference studies. 2( elevated ripening temperature, 41 Arthrobacter spp, 407
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son Science, 2-6 Boundary Row, London SEl 8HN, UK Thomson Science, 2-6 Boundary Row, London SEl 8HN, UK Thomson Science, 115 Fifth Avenue, New York NY 10003, USA Thomson Science, Suite 750, 400 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106 Thomson Science, Pappelallee 3, 69469 Weinheim, Germany
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Cheese is a very varied group of dairy products, produced mainly in Europe, North and South America, Australia and New Zealand and to a lesser extent in North Africa and the Middle East, where it originated during the Agricultural Revolution, 6000-8000 years ago. Cheese production and con- 10A and 10B), is increasing in traditional
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Like all other foods of plant or animal origin, milk contains several indigenous enzymes which are constituents of the milk as secreted. The principal constituents of milk (lactose, lipids and proteins) can be modified by exogenous enzymes, added to induce specific changes. Exogenous en- zymes may also be used to analyse for certain constituents in milk. In addition, milk and most dairy products
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Vitamins are organic chemicals required by the body in trace amounts but which cannot be synthesized by the body. The vitamins required for growth and maintenance of health differ between species; compounds regarded as vitamins for one species may be synthesized at adequate rates by other species. For example, only primates and the guinea-pig require ascorbic acid (vitamin C; section 6.4) from their diet; other species possess the enzyme gluconolactone oxidase which is necessary for the synthesis of vitamin C from D-glucose or D-galactose
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4.7.I Occurrence and microheterogeneity B-Lactoglobulin is a major protein in bovine milk, representing about 50% of total whey protein and 12% of the total protein of milk. It was among the first proteins to be crystallized, and since crystallizability was long considered to be a good criterion of homogeneity, B-Ig, which is a typical
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The stability, or instability, of the milk fat emulsion is very significant with respect to many physical and chemical characteristics of milk and dairy products. The stability of the emulsion depends strongly on the integrity of
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Lactose is the principal carbohydrate in the milks of all mammals; non mammalian sources are very rare. Milk contains only trace amounts of other sugars, including glucose(50 mg\), fructose, glucosamine, galac- tosamine, neuraminic acid and neutral and acidic oligosaccharides The concentration of lactose in milk varies widely between species(Table 2.1). The lactose content of cows'milk varies with the breed of cow
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