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国民经济核算体系是在一定经济理论的指导下,综 合应用统计、会计、数学等方法,为测定一个国家 (地区、部门)在特定时期内的经济活动(流量) 和特定时点上的经济成果(存量)所构成的一个相 互联系的系统。其各项总量指标及其组成,是进行 经济分析、经济预测和决策研究的重要依据。 国民经济核算体系有两种:
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3.1 Random Variables 3.2 Cumulative Distribution Function 3.3 Discrete Random Variables(DRV) 3.4 Continuous Random Variables 3.5 Functions of a Random Variable 3.6 Mathematical Expectation 3.7 Moments 3.8 Quantiles 3.9 Moment Generating Function (MGF) 3.10 Characteristic Function 3.11 Conclusion
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The Completely Randomized Model One-Factor Analysis of Variance F-Test for Difference in c Means The Tukey-Kramer Procedure ANOVA Assumptions The Factorial Design Model: Two-Way Analysis of Variance Examine Effect of Factors and Interaction Kruksal-Wallis Rank Test for Differences in c Medians
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工程地质野外试验( field test) 优点: 缺点: 1.可测定难以取样的岩土 体的性质 1.难以控制边界条件 2.影响范围大,因而更具2.费工费时,成本高 代表性。 3.所测参数和岩土工 3可连续进行,因而可得程性质之间关系建 到完整的地层剖 立在大量统计的经 4.快速、经济,能大大缩验关系之上。 短勘察周期
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8.1 Population and Distribution Model 8.2 Maximum Likelihood Estimation 8.3 Asymptotic Properties of MLE 8.4 Method of Moments and Generalized Method of Moments 8.5 Asymptotic Properties of GMM 8.6 Mean Squared Error Criterion 8.7 Best Unbiased Estimators 8.8 Cramer-Rao Lower Bound 8.9 Conclusion
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7.1 Limits and Orders of Magnitude: A Review 7.2 Motivation for Convergence Concepts 7.3 Convergence in Quadratic Mean and 𝑳𝑳𝒑𝒑-Convergence 7.4 Convergence in Probability 7.5 Almost Sure Convergence 7.6 Convergence in Distribution 7.7 Central Limit Theorems 7.8 Conclusion
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一、数据集合 Measurements of items e.g., Yearly sales volume for your 23 salespeople e.g., Cost and number produced, daily, for the past month 二、基本单元 The items being measured e.g., Salespeople, Days, Companies, Catalogs, . 三、变量 The type of measurement being done e.g., Sales volume, Cost, Productivity, Number of defects
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5.1 Random Vectors and Joint Probability Distributions 5.2 Marginal Distributions 5.3 Conditional Distributions 5.4 Independence 5.5 Bivariate Transformation 5.6 Bivariate Normal Distribution 5.7 Expectations and Covariance 5.8 Joint Moment Generating Function 5.9 Implications of Independence on Expectations 5.10 Conditional Expectations 5.11 Conclusion
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从本章起介绍计量经济学近 20 年来最新研究成果。如果把第 1 章内容称为经典计量经 济学,那么将要介绍的内容则应该称为非经典计量经济学。 从 1974 年开始计量经济学工作者渐渐意识到当用含有单位根的时间序列建立经典计量 经济模型时会出现一些问题,这就是虚假回归
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教学目的: 通过本节内容的教学,使学生: 1、明确极大似然估计法是在总体分布类型已知的情况下的一种常 用的参数估计方法; 2、理解极大似然思想; 3、掌握求极大似然估计值的一般步骤,会求常见分布参数的极大 似然估计值
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