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《生物技术与人类》课程教学资源(经典阅读)Stability and complexity in model ecosystems
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《生物技术与人类》课程教学资源(经典阅读)Reversal of cocaine-evoked synaptic potentiation resets drug-induced adaptive behaviour
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《生物技术与人类》课程教学资源(经典阅读)Regeneration of whole fertile plants from 30000-y-old fruit tissue buried in Siberian permafrost
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《生物技术与人类》课程教学资源(经典阅读)Recent contribution of glaciers and ice caps to sea level rise
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《生物技术与人类》课程教学资源(经典阅读)Rapid evolutionary divergence and ecotypic diversification of germination behavior in weedy rice populations
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《生物技术与人类》课程教学资源(经典阅读)Prediction mutation outcome from early stochastic variation in genetic interaction partners
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《生物技术与人类》课程教学资源(经典阅读)Insights into hominid evolution from the gorilla genome sequence
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《生物技术与人类》课程教学资源(经典阅读)Global warming preceded by increasing carbon dioxide concentrations during the last deglaciation
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《生物技术与人类》课程教学资源(经典阅读)Global patterns in biodiversity
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《生物技术与人类》课程教学资源(经典阅读)Getting the measure of biodiversity
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