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Eco514 Game Theory Lecture 5: Games with Payoff Uncertainty(2) Marciano Siniscalchi September 30, 1999 Introduction This lecture continues our analysis of games with payoff uncertainty. The three main objec- tives are: (1) to illustrate the flexibility of the Harsanyi framework (or our version thereof);
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14.1基本原理 14.1.1(气泡间隔的)连续流动自动分析仪 以空气为间隔,试剂和样品在被隔开的小室中均匀 混合并达到稳态
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Chapter F3 Power notes The Matching Concept and the Adjusting Process Learning Objectives 1. The Matching Concept 2. Nature of the Adjusting Process 3. Recording Adjusting Entries 4. Summary of Adjustment Process 5. Financial Analysis and Interpretation
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Chapter F5 Power notes Accounting for Merchandising Businesses Learning Objectives 1. Nature of Merchandising Business 2a. Accounting for Purchases 2b. Accounting for Sales 2c. Transportation Costs 2d. Merchandise Transactions 3. Merchandising Chart of Accounts 4. Merchandising Income Statement 5. Merchandising Accounting Cycle 6. Financial Analysis and Interpretation
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Chapter F8 Power notes Inventories Learning Objectives 1. Internal Control of inventories 2. Effect of Inventory Errors 3. Inventory Cost Flow Assumptions 4. Perpetual Inventory Costing Methods 5. Periodic Inventory Costing Methods 6. Comparing Inventory Costing Methods 7. Inventory Valuation Other Than Cost 8. Balance sheet Presentation of merchandise 9. Estimating Inventory Cost 10. Financial Analysis and Interpretation
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Chapter F10 Power notes Current Liabilities Learning Objectives 1. The Nature of current Liabilities 2. Short-Term Notes Payable 3. Contingent Liabilities 4. Payroll and Payroll Taxes 5. Accounting Systems for Payroll 6. Employees' Fringe Benefits 7. Financial Analysis and Interpretation
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Chapter F12 Power notes Corporations: Income and Taxes, nts in Stocks Stockholders' Equity, Investm Learning Objectives 1. Corporate Income Taxes 2. Unusual Income Statement Items 3. Earnings Per Common Share 4. Reporting Stockholders'Equity 5. Comprehensive Income 6. Accounting for Investment in Stocks 7. Business Combinations 8. Financial Analysis and Interpretation
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A+ Ismail KM Humied MA.2003. Effect of processing and storage of brined white (Nabulsi) cheese on fat and cholesterol oxidation. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture.83: 39-43 A. WNOROWSKI V.A. YAYLAYAN. 2002. Prediction of Process Lethality through Measurement of Maillard-Generated Chemical Markers. Journal of Food
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氧化是食品变质的最重要原因之一,它不仅造成营养损失,而且使食品产生 异味、变色、质地变坏或其他损害。当食品中天然存在的物质发生氧化时,产生 大量自由基和有害化合物,例如胆固醇氧化产物中的胆固醇环氧化物和氢过氧化 物,均可引起致癌和致突变。这说明食品成分氧化生成的有害物质不仅损害食品 的品质,而且长期摄入这类食品还会损害人体健康或引起多种疾病发生。食品本 身和人体内存在着多种抗氧化损伤的天然化合物和酶,例如维生素E、原花青素、 β-胡萝卜素、抗坏血酸、半胱氨酸以及体内的许多抗氧化物酶等,它们都是很 强的抗氧化剂
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第三章糖类 第一节概述 糖类化合物是自然界分布广泛、数量最多的有机化合物,是食品的主要组成 成分之一,也是绿色植物光合作用的直接产物。自然界的生物物质中,糖类化合 物约占3/4,从细菌到高等动物都含有糖类化合物,植物体中含量最丰富,约占 其干重的85%~90%,其中又以纤维素最为丰富。其次是节肢动物,如昆虫、蟹 和虾外壳中的壳多糖(甲壳质)
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