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Routing Must choose routes for various origin destination pairs (O/D pairs) or for various sessions – Datagram routing: route chosen on a packet by packet basis Using datagram routing is an easy way to split paths – Virtual circuit routing: route chosen a session by session basis
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Non-linear optical properties Photoluminescence Optical Materials Non-linear optical materials play an important role in data transmission and storage
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1 SPSS的3个主要窗口 1-1 数据编辑器窗口(SPSS Data Editor):用来编辑和 显示数据;在此窗口中的文件名称为*. sav。 1-2 程序语句编辑器窗口(SPSS Syntax Editor):用来 编写各种程序;在此窗口中的文件名称为*. sps。 1-3 结果观看窗口( SPSS Viewer):显示统计运算结果; 在此窗口中的文件名称为*. spo
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Provide for data logging, remote control and automatic action-pneumatic electro￾pneumatic, and electronic equipment, self￾regulating apparatus, etc. The chapter will give a general instruction above system and function. The other chapters of the book focus on the oil handling devices onboard
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Manifestations of Infection: Signs and symptoms vary according to the site and severity of infection. Diagnosis requires a composite of information, including history, physical examination, radiographic findings, and laboratory data. Microbial Causes of Infection: Infections may be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. The pathogen may be exogenous (acquired from environmental or animal sources or from other persons) or endogenous (from the normal flora)
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一个程序应包括: 对数据的描述。在程序中要指定数据的类型和数据的组织形式,即数据结构(data structure) 对操作的描述。即操作步骤,也就是算法(algorithm) Nikiklaus Wirth提出的公式:
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ADO是Active Data Object缩写,是针对当前Microsoft软件所支持的数据进行操作的最有效、最简单、功能最强大的方法。它能自如地控制数据的显示、查询以及对数据的修改、删除和添加。通过本章学习,应该掌握以下内容: 1. ADO各种对象和集合 2. 利用ADO存取组件进行数据库连接利用Dreamweaver编辑各种超连接的方法
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The burgeoning demand for mobile data net￾works has highlighted some constraints on its future growth. Wireless links have always had orders of magnitude less bandwidth than their wireline counterparts. Mobile users have always chafed at this limitation, which essentially forces them to use applications in a manner reminis￾cent of wireline networks of decades past
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Attributes – Any property of a programming language construct such as The data type of a variable The value of an expression The location of a variable in memory
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1.数据 数据(Data)实际上是描述事物的符号记录。 2.数据库 数据库(Database)是数据的集合,以统一的结构形式存放于统一的存储介质内,可被各个应用程序所共享。 3.数据库管理系统 数据库管理系统(Database Management System,简称DBMS)是负责数据库中的数据组织、数据操纵、数据维护、控制及保护和数据服务等功能的一种系统软件
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