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Katzenstein Distinguished Lecture prof. Franck Wilczek Nobel Prize in Physics 2004 From MIT Title: The Universe is Strange Place Where: Room P--36 When: Friday at 4: 00PM Refreshments at3:00 PM in front of P--36 Come for great talk
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Announcements Lectures available on the web(short version) For over-enrollment please go to the Physics office P107 Laboratory sessions start next week Gotomywebsitewww.phys.uconn.edu/-rcote Syllabus+ homeworks lectures, etc Webassign
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Lectures available on the web(short version) For over-enrollment please go to the Physics office P107 Laboratory sessions start next week go to my web site w. phys. uconn. edu/-rcote Syllabus+ homeworks lectures, etc WebAssign: ready Friday night gotowww.webassign.netandlogin )username: first letter of first name plus last name
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德国物理网站http://physnet.uni-oldenburg.de/physnet/physnet.html 挪威物理网站htp;/ physicsweb org 荷兰物理网站http://www.elsevier.nl/homepage/sak/physics 美国物理协会网站htp/www.aps.org 美国物理研究所网站htt/waip.org
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From: physics. nist. gov/constants Fundamental Physical Constants- Complete Listing Relative std UNIVERSAL speed of light in vacuum c,co299792458
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Evicting einstein ScienceaNASa a physics experiment on the drawing board for the International Space Station could help find the grand unifying\Theory of Everything March 26, 2004: Sooner or later, the reign of Einstein, like the reign of Newton before him, will
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Theories and Experiments The goal of physics is to develop theories based on experiments A theory is a \guess,\expressed mathematically, about how system works The theory makes predictions about how a system should work Experiments check the theories' predictions Every theory is a work in progress
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1. heat treatment n.热处理 2. embrace vt.包含 3. metallurgy n.冶金,冶金学 physics n物理学 5. chemistry n化学 6. engIneering n.工程(学)
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Chapter 3 Kinematics I: rectilinear motion Motion implies change, and it is change make life-and physics-visible and interesting. Kinematics is the theory about the description of motion. Physical theories are creations of the human intellect; they must be invented rather than discovered
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Foreword plinary nature of food irradiation, involv. This reference guide is an ABC on food irradiation on ing branches of science such as microbiology, chemistry, the one hand and an encyclopedia of food irradiation on physics and nuclear technology, toxicology and nutri- the other. The authors have painstakingly compiled all
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