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How applications become clients by initiating communication How applications use TCP or UDP protocols to contact a server How they use socket calls to interact with the protocols CSIE, NTUT, Taiwan
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Course Description Text (required) TCP/IP Protocol Suite, 2nd edition, Behrouz A. Forouzan. Mc Graw-Hill 2003. · Supplementary Texts Internetworking with TCP/IP, Volume 3: Client-Server Programming and Application, Linux-POSIX Sockets Version
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:285.67KB 文档页数:111
Chapter 4: Server Software Design Chapter goal: algorithm and issues terative servers Concurrent connection-oriented servers Singly-threaded,concurrent servers Multiprotocol servers Multiservice servers Uniform efficient management
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:1.47MB 文档页数:183
Reference Douglas E. Comer, David L. Stevens, Internetworking with TCP/IP, Vol Ill, Client-Server Programing and Application, Windows
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10.1数据库备份概述 10.2备份类型 10.3备份策略 10.4备份设备 10.5备份 10.6还原
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一、ODBC的概念 二、掌握ODBC数据源的概念及其配置 12.1DBC概述 12.2管理ODBC数据源
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11.1安全认证模式 11.2登录管理 11.3用户管理 11.4角色管理 11.5权限管理
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9.1触发器的概念 9.2触发器的种类与工作原理 9.3创建触发器 9.4查看、修改触发器 9.5删除触发器
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7.1 Transact--SQL语言基础 7.2 SELECT查询语句 7.3流程控制语句
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5.1数据完整性 5.2约束 5.3默认 5.4规则
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