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Obiectives Understand the systems view of project management Explain the four general phases in the project life cycle Explain the differences among functional, matrix, and project organizational structures
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16.31 Feedback Control State-Space Systems What are state-space models? Why should we use them? and how do we develop a state-space mode( &ased in classical control design How are they related to the transfer functions What are the basic properties of a state-space model, and how do we analyze these?
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State-Space Systems What are the basic properties of a state-space model, and how do we analyze these? e Time Domain Interpretations System Modes Copyright 2001 by Jonathan How
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Bounded gain There exist very easy ways of testing(analytically) whether S Gu)< SISO Bounded Gain Theorem: Gain of generic stable system
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Weighting Matrix Selection a good rule of thumb when selecting the weighting matrices Rxx (or Ru and R uu is to normalize
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Thawing has received much less attention in the literature than either chill- ing or freezing. In commercial practice there are relatively few controlled thawing systems. Frozen meat, as supplied to the industry, ranges in size and shape from complete hindquarters of beef to small breasts of lamb, although the major- ity of the material is 'boned-out' and packed in boxes ca. 15 cm thick weigh- ing between 20 and 40kg. Thawing is usually regarded as complete when the centre of the block or joint has
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In specifying refrigeration equipment the function of the equipment must be absolutely clear. Refrigeration equipment is always used to control tem- perature. Either the meat passing through the process is to be maintained it its initial temperature, for example as in a refrigerated store or a packing operation, or the temperature of the meat is to be reduced, for example in a blast freezer. These two functions
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Why Statistical Mechanics? Understand predict the physical properties of macroscopic systems from the properties of their constituents Deterministic approach ma F need of 6n coordinates at t: r: and v but typically n= moles (1023)! Ensemble?rather than microscopic detail and its surroundings microcanonical, canonical, grand canonical
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Mathematical basis of stability analysis =f(x,y) system of two coupled differential equations y=g(x,y) step 1 find nullclines and fixed point(s)
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L14: 14 Lectures past and 1 1 to go Part 'The cell as a well-stirred bioreactor topICs Lambda phage lysis-lysogeny switch Synthetic genetic switch Switches as memory storage Chemotaxis: perfect adaptation or not? Synthetic genetic oscillators
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