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 I. Denotative Meaning & Associative Meaning  1. Denotative meaning:  (also known as conceptual meaning) is the meaning given in the dictionary and forms the core of the word meaning. It forms the basis for communication as the same word has the same denotative meaning to all the speakers of the same language
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3.1 Building Systems 3.2 The Hierarchy of Structural Action 3.3 Building Forms Conceived as Solid Structures 3.4 Building Forms Conceived as Space Structures
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3.1 Building Systems 3.2 The Hierarchy of Structural Action 3.3 Building Forms Conceived as Solid Structures 3.4 Building Forms Conceived as Space Structures
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I. Symbioses between Microorganisms II. Plants as Microbial Habitats 2. The Legume–Root Nodule Symbiosis 3. Agrobacterium and Crown Gall Disease 4. Mycorrhizae III. Animals as Microbial Habitats 5. The Mammalian Gut 6. The Rumen and Ruminant Animals 7. The Human Microbiome 8. Termites
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This book is designed to help the engineer understand the principles of metal form￾ing and to analyze forming problems – both the mechanics of forming processes and how the properties of metals interact with the processes. In this book, an entire chapter is devoted to forming limit diagrams and various aspects of stamping and another to other sheet forming operations. Sheet testing is covered in a separate chapter. Coverage of sheet metal properties has been expanded. Interesting end￾of-chapter notes have been added throughout, as well as references. More than 200 end-of-chapter problems are also included
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It is shown that the average [O] in the steel can be decreased to 12.86 ppm and there is an optimal [%Si] at the end of melting as 0.11%, at which [O] after vacuum carbon deoxidation (VCD) is minimum. A kinetical model has been deduced to simulate the VCD process. The results show that adding Si before Al is superior to the adding Al before Si with respect to the final [O] in the steel. It is suggested that the melting point of covering slag should be lower than 1550℃, and (FeO+MnO) should be less than 1%, so as to effectively refine GCr15 steel
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Under appropriate cooling condition, intcrfacial phase appeared between α and β phases in Ti-5Al-2M0-3Zr alloy. Its thickness could reach 100 nm. The interfacial phase was either single layer structure or double layer structure. The monolithic layer adjacent to 3 phase was indentified as fee structure with relationship (110)β// (001)m, [11$\\mathop 1\\limits^{{\\rm{ - - }}} $]β /[110]m. The striated layer adjacent to a phase was indentified as hep with twin relationship {10$\\bar 1$1}<1$\\bar 0$12> to α. Thus, the study provided a new experimental fact for the controversial topic on structure of striated layer. Chemical composition of interfacial phase varied slightly with heat treatments, but always between that of α and β phases
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The relationship among particle size, properties of heat transfer and melting rate of fluxes as well as the main factors which have effect on the prefused fluxes have been studied. Under the conditions of same components and particle size, the melting temperature of prefused fluxes is lower than that of mixed fluxes. With the decreasing of particle size, the difference of melting temperature between the two type of fluxes decreases also. The larger the particle size, the greater the melting rate of prefused type fluxes
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■Define the address format,encapsulation,and intended use of the Intra-Site Auto- matic Tunnel Addressing Protocol (ISATAP)IPv6 transition technology. ■Describe how the IPv6 protocol in Windows Server2008 and Windows Vista supports ISATAP as a host and router. ■List and describe the routes on ISATAP hosts,ISATAP routers,and IPv6 routers that make ISATAP-based communication possible. Describe how ISATAP communication works between ISATAP hosts and native IPv6 hosts on an intranet. ■Describe how to configure a computer running Windows Server2O08 or Windows Vista as an ISATAP router
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Using sand moulds for step-shape casting tests and different silicon percentage of nodular cast iron it was possible to separate structural variations produced during freezing from those occurring at Ac1 transformation temperature. The results show that an increase in silicon content leading to different variation in the matrix structure> leads to a changing mechanical properties of nodular cast irons. Tensile strength and elongation of obtained as-cast nodular cast iron with the composition of 3.9%C, 3.2%Si, 0.5%Mn are maximum of about 524.5N/mm2 and 19.8% accordingly. In the same nodular cast iron, but only with 0.1% Mn the silicon addition first increases after decreases elongation, impact toughness and hardness. But tensile strength changes to the opposite side
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