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Background Information Organization of the Text Introductory Questions Text& New Word Reading Intensive Study Exercise Check-up Assignment
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:317KB 文档页数:103
Part Two Sounds in Connected Speech 1. Strong and Weak Forms 2. Assimilation and elision 3. Liaison 4. Length of a sound 5. Word stress 6. Sentence stress 7. Rhythm 8. Sense groups and Pause
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VOCABULARY Section A Directions: There 80 sentences in this exercise. Beneath each sentence there are four choices. Choose the one word or phrase that you think best completes the sentences
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The length of a sound is the length of time during which it is held on continuously in a given word or phrase. The principal facts concerning length in English are given in the following rules: 203. Length of vowels 1. English vowels /i:/, /a: / /:/, /u:/, /a: /are longer than the other English vowels in similar context, i.e., when surrounded by the same sounds, and pronounced with the same degree of stress. Thus
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There are many ways of attracting customers to your product and keeping your brand name in the public eye. Fill the gaps with suitable words from the list below Packaging Personal selling Point of sale advertising Public relations licity Sales literature Showrooms Sponsorship Telephone sales Trade fairs and exhibitions Word of mouth
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Choose the missing words from the box. The first one is done for you as an example. memorandum courier pencil reference clear registered enclose zip code post code p.p. acknowledge printer stationery word-processed
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Background Information Organization of the Text Introductory Questions Text& New Word Reading Intensive Study Exercise Check--up Assignment
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Grammar Directions: There are 80 sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four choices. Choose one word or phrase that you think best completes the sentence
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一、以word文档格式如实填写各项。 二、表格文本中外文名词第一次出现时,要写清全称和缩写,再次出现时可以使用缩写。 三、涉密内容不填写,有可能涉密和不宜大范围公开的内容,请在说明栏中注明。 四、除课程负责人外,根据课程实际情况,填写1~4名主讲教师的详细信息。 五、本表栏目未涵盖的内容,需要说明的,请在说明栏中注明
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(1). Writing competence(paragraph level) Band 4: Write a 150-to- 200-word article in 30 minutes/ a piece of 60 ord applied writing in 10 minutes (2)thinking ability(classification, analysis, contrast or comparison etc)
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