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了解醇,酚,醚的分类,命名及同分异构现象。了解醇的化学性质, 酚的化学性质,醚的化学性质。重点掌握醇,酚,醚的化学性质
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We shall study other examples of additions to the double bonds of alkenes. We begin with the additions of hydrogen halides, sulfuric acid, water (in the presence of an acid catalyst), and halogens
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7.1 Introduction 7.2 Homolytic bond dissociation nergies 7.3 The reactions of alkanes with halogens
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5.1 Isomerism: Constitutionalisomers and Stereoisomers 5.2 Enantiomers and chiral
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The important of acid-base reaction: 1. is a simple, fundamental reaction. 2. enable you to see the mechanism of the reaction 3. illustrate the process of bond breaking and bond making 4. examine important ideas about the relationship between the structure of molecules and their reactivity
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Of the three groups of biopolymers, protein have the most diverse function. Most of its molecular weights are much larger. Their shaps cover a range from the globular protein to the helical coils of a α–keratin. But all proteins have common features. Proteins are polyamides and their monomeric units are about 20 different α-amino acids
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Carbodydrares: polyhydroxy aldehydes and ketones or substances that hydrolyze to yield polyhydroxy aldehydes and ketones. Monosaccharides: simple carbohydrates cannot be hydrolyzed into smaller simpler carbohydrates
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Compounds having two carbonyl groups separated by an intervening carbon are called β-dicarbonyl compunds, and these compounds are highly versatile reagents for organic synthesis
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