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一、什么是印刷电路板? 二、怎样制作电路板?
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3,1反馈振荡器的工作原理 3,2LC正弦波振荡器 3.3LC振荡器的频率稳定度 3.4晶体振荡器 3.5RC正弦波振荡器
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76.1Introduction 76.2 Loop Filter 76.3Noise 76.4 PLL Design Procedures Steven L. Maddy 76.5Components RLM Research 76.6 Applications
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Transmission Video Formats and Applications. Intensity Modulation.Noise Limitations. Linearity Requirements.Laser Linearity. Clipping. External Modulation.Miscellaneous Impairments Summary 71.2 Long Distance Fiber Optic Communications T.E. Darcie ATeT Bell Laboratories Coupler.Isolator. Connectors and Splices.Optical
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1.1 半导体的基本知识 1.2 半导体二极管 1.3 半导体三极管 1.4 BJT模型 1.5 场效应管
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74.1Introduction 74.2 Satellite Applications 74.3 Satellite Functions 74.4 Satellite Orbits and Pointing Angles 74.5 Communications Link 74.6 System Noise Temperature and G/T 74.7 Digital Links 74.8Interference 74.9 Some Particular Orbits 74.10 Access and Modulation Daniel F. DiFonzo
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55.1 Introduction 55.2 Dielectric Losses 55.3 Dielectric Breakdown 55.4 Insulation Aging R.Bartnikas 55.5 Dielectric Materials Institut de Recherche Gases. Insulating Liquids. Solid Insulating Materials
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Ray Theory. Wave Equation for Dielectric Materials. Modes in Slab California Polytechnic State University Waveguides. Fields in Cylindrical Fibers. Modes in Step-Index Fibers. Modes in Graded-Index Fibers. Attenuation. Dispersion Allen H. Cherin and Pulse Spreading Lucent Technologies
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