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组合体———由几个基本几何体组成的物称为组合体。 一、组合体的组合形式 1、叠加
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算法与过程 过程(Procedure)与算法(Algorithm)是解决问题的一种方法的逐步描述,它 (1)是由若干条指令组成的有穷序列; (2)每条指令的意义都是确定的; (3)具有零个或多个输入; (4)产生若干个输出;
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Chapter 9 The principle of ebXML 9.1 The introduction of ebXML 9.1.1 What is ebXML? ebXML is a global electronic business standard that is sponsored by UN/CEFACT(United Nations Center For Trade Facilitation And Electronic Business)and OASIS(Organization for the Advancement of Structural Information Standards). ebXML thus defines a framework for global
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Chapter6 Transaction behavior on the internet 6.1 consumer buying behavior 6. 1. 1 What is Consumer Buying Behavior Buying Behavior is the decision processes and acts of people involved in bu product Need to understand why consumers make the purchases that they make? what factors influence consumer purchases? the changing factors in our society
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Chapter 8 Internet market Promotion 8.1 Introduction, category and function of Internet Marketing 8.1.1 Internet marketing conception and characteristic 1. Internet marketing What is Internet marketing? Internet marketing or Internet-based marketing can be defined as the use of the Internet and related digital technologies to achieve marketing objectives and support the modern marketing concept. These technologies include the Internet media and other digital
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Huffman树的构造 构造 Huffman树步骤: 根据给定的n个权值{w1,w2,…wn},构造n棵只有 根结点的二叉树。 在森林中选取两棵根结点权值最小的树作左右子 树,构造一棵新的二叉树,置新二叉树根结点权 值为其左右子树根结点权值之和
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2.1.1 音频数字化处理 1.声音的基本描述 2.音频信号的数字化过程 3.数字音频的主要技术指标 2.1.2 MIDI音乐合成 1.数字音乐生成方法 2.MIDI音频处理过程 2.1.3 多媒体声音卡 2.1.4 音频文件格式
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一、简答题(15分,每小题5分) 1、简述图形文件、视区文件在图形系统中的作用。 2、简述窗口、视区、窗视变换在图形显示系统中的作用。 3、简述物体的简单光照反射模型
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一、了解Java图形程序设计类 二、使用框架、面板和U1组件 三、理解布局管理器的作用 四、熟悉 Color、font类 五、使用 Graphics类绘图 六、熟悉Java事件
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一、分类: 1 预测分类标号(或离散值) 2 根据训练数据集和类标号属性,构建模型来分类现有数据,并用来分类新数据
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