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太阳是一个巨大、久远、无尽的能源。尽管太阳辐射到地球大 气层的能量仅为其总辐射能量(约为3.75×l0 26 W)的22亿分之一, 但已高达1.73×1017 瓦,换句话说,太阳每秒钟辐射到地球上的能 量就相当于500万吨煤
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A leaking oil tanker split in two and sank Tuesday off Spain's northwestern coast, spewing thousands of tonnes of fuel oil into the sea and adding to a growing environmental disaster along one of Europe's most picturesque and wildlife-rich coasts. The two halves of the 26-year-old single-skinned vessel went down in deep
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26.1 Introduction 26.2 Carriers and channels form water soluble paths through the membrane 26.3 Ion channels are selective 26.4 Neurotransmitters control channel activity 26.5 G proteins may activate or inhibit target proteins 26.6 G proteins function by dissociation of the trimer 26.7 Growth factor receptors are protein kinases 26.8 Receptors are activated by dimerization 26.9 Receptor kinases activate signal transduction pathways
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An Organizational Format for the Classification of Functional Groups. Applications to the Construction of Difunctional Relationships
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在介绍图象的压缩编码之前,先考虑一个问题:为什么要压缩?其实这个问题不用我回答, 你也能想得到。因为图象信息的数据量实在是太惊人了。举一个例子就明白:一张 A4(210mm×297mm) 幅面的照片,若用中等分辨率(300dpi)的扫描仪按真彩色扫描,其数据 量为多少?让我们来计算一下:共有(300×210/25.4) ×(300×297/25.4)个象素,每个象素占 3 个字节,其数据量为 26M 字节,其数据量之大可见一斑了
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