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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Browne, M. Neil, (date) Asking the right questions: a guide to critical thinking/M. Neil Browne, Stuart M. Keeley.—8th ed
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A stack is a Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) list, that is, an ordered list in which insertions and deletions are made at the top only. Objects: A finite ordered list with zero or more elements
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G( V, E ) where G ::= graph, V = V( G ) ::= finite nonempty set of vertices, and E = E( G ) ::= finite set of edges
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一、决策问题的表格表示——损失矩阵 对无观察(No-data)问题 a=δ 可用表格(损失矩阵)替代决策树来描述决策问题的后果(损失):
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I. The concentration-profits hypothesis, 294.-II. Industry definition neasure of concentration, and selection of sample, 297.--III. Character and tions of profit data, 305 -IV. Calculation of accounting profit rates, 310 -V. Association of industry profit rates and concentration, 311.-VI. Asso-
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数据仓库(data warehouse)是一个面向主 题的(subject oriented)、集成的 (integrated)、非易失的(non-volatile)、 随时间变化的(time variant)数据集合,用于支持管理决策
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数据(Data) 数据是描述现实世界事物的符号记录,是用物理符号记录的可以鉴别的信息。包 括文字、图形、声音等,他们都是用来描述事物特性的
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1. 在 PC 机上使用 C 语言,若有如下定义: struct data { int i; char ch; float f; }a; 则结构变量 a 占用内存的字节数是
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《商务智能:数据分析的管理视角 Business Intelligence, Analytics, and Data Science:A Managerial Perspective》教学资源(习题,原书第4版)chapter 5 Predictive Analytics II:Text, Web, and Social Media Analytics
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